Ever been curious about where exactly your Siamese kitty comes from?
While we know the Siamese breed derives from Thailand, where they were once treated like royalty (hence their holier-than-thou attitude) throughout the years, Siamese cats have evolved in many ways.
In this article, I’ll be sharing the six characteristics of a purebred Siamese, as well as how much they cost and if those DNA tests are actually worth it.
Are Siamese cats purebred?
Yes, Siamese cats are purebred! They’re actually considered a “natural” breed, which simply means they have developed genetically without the interference of humans.
No matter how many times I think about it, I’ll always be impressed that the Siamese was first recorded in 1350 inside a book from Siam (now known as Thailand). While Batman and Robyn may not be royalty (even though they think they are), it’s pretty cool to think that their ancestors once were.
The Siamese has contributed to many other breeds, including the Oriental, Balinese, Tonkinese, Havana Brown, and more.

How can I tell if my Siamese cat is purebred?
If you’re eager to know if your Siamese is purebred or mixed, the answer usually lies within the color of their fur and the shape of their body. And, of course, their birth certificate – but not all of us have one of those on hand.
A friend of mine picked up this adorable cat from her local shelter quite a few years ago. She was surprised when I told her that her new addition to the family was not, in fact, a purebred Siamese.
It looked like a Siamese, walked like a Siamese, and even talked like a Siamese, but there were a few tell-tale signs that told me her adoptive son was mixed.
Before you even determine if your kitty is a fully pledged Siamese, you first have to know which type of Siamese they are. That’s right; there is more than one!
What are the different types of Siamese cats?

This may get a little confusing, so feel free to take notes!
There are two main categories, the Traditional Siamese and the Modern Siamese. You will find 8 different versions (that’s right, eight!) of the Siamese within these categories.
First, let’s take a look at the Traditional Siamese.
Applehead Siamese
I’ll give you three guesses as to why Applehead Siamese are called as such. Give up? Well, their head is round like an apple! They are much stockier than the other versions, with downward-pointing noses and smaller ears.
I was pretty surprised to find that Applehead Siamese are less vocal compared to their brothers and sisters; however, they’re just as loving and friendly.
Old Style Siamese
An Old Style Siamese has a slightly longer face than the other types and well-defined almond-shaped eyes. They’re lankier than the Applehead, with broad ears and typically cross-eyed.
If you want a Siamese that won’t leave your side, Old Style is the one for you.
Classic Siamese
Personality-wise, Classic Siamese are the most athletic and energetic kitties you can find. Their bodies are sleek, with large ears and upturned noses. They have longer tails than the rest of the Siamese clan; however, they want just as much love and attention.
If that hasn’t confused you enough, let’s get on to the Modern Siamese!
Wedge Siamese
Picture an Old Style Siamese, just with very exaggerated features. To be quite honest with you, Wedgies reminds me of ‘Dobby’ from Harry Potter due to the big ears and eyes, but so cute nevertheless!
These Siamese cats have slanted eyes, usually crossed, wide ears, and long faces. Just like the Applehead Siamese, Wedgies get their name due to the shape of their head.
Since this version of Siamese is so distinct, if you have one of these at home, you’ll know about it! They’re currently considered the show cat of the Siamese world.
Personality-wise, they’re incredibly affectionate and sweet, and believe it or not, have an even louder meow than the rest of the Siamese gang.
Color Points
Their colorings and ‘points’ define the other four types. Points are used to refer to the places where the Siamese holds the most color.
If you want me to really blow your mind, there are actually over 32 different color versions of the Siamese. But to save time (and possibly a migraine), I’ll just tell you about the four currently recognized versions.
So there we have it, all of the currently recognized versions of the Siamese kitty. I hope you can now see why identifying a purebred may not be as easy as it looks.
But what we can take away from this is that all purebred Siamese cats will have color points. If they don’t, then chances are you have a mix on your hands.
Characteristics of a Siamese cat

Let’s get onto the characteristics of a purebred Siamese cat! Once you know what you’re looking for, it’ll be a lot easier to identify your Siamese.
1. Unique Appearance
I know we just went over this, but here’s a little summary – I’ll even do it in bullet points!
2. Mid-sized Weight
Siamese cats will typically weigh around 8-12 pounds. This is about mid-size for a feline, so if you have an 18-pound cat at home, either your Siamese has to go on a diet (I’m sure your chunky cat is beautiful), or they’re a Norwegian Forest cat in disguise.
Siamese cats tend to look smaller than other breeds of the same weight due to their short hair. This also means they shed less than their fluffy cousins, which is a massive plus for you!
They may also appear taller than other breeds due to their long, skinny legs.
3. Loving
By far, my favorite thing about Batman and Robyn is how loving and affectionate they are.
Cats are known for being quite aloof creatures and only giving you the time of day when they feel like it. Siamese cats, however, are always up for a good cuddle.
Ever curious about the reasoning for this? Well, they’re just naturally loving animals. They crave companionship, whether it be from a fellow feline from you, their human.
These incredibly loyal creatures usually create a strong bond with an individual person. Of course, they can still love the rest of your family very much, but there is usually one person they’ll choose to be with above anyone.
Siamese cats express their love through physical touch and simply spending time with you. For example, Batman tends to sit by my desk while I’m working; in fact, he is here right now! He isn’t nagging me for attention or cuddles; he’s simply happy hanging out with me. If that’s not loving, I don’t know what is!
It’s also incredibly common for Siamese cats to develop separation anxiety or depression if they are left alone too long or don’t get enough attention. These breeds demand time, so you must give it to them.
Not all Siamese cats are this way, although it is extremely rare to find one that isn’t loving in an almost ‘needy’ way.
4. Intelligent
Siamese cats are smart. And I don’t mean smart in a way that they can tell when dinner time is, but smart enough to memorize your whole routine; when you wake up, when you go to work, when you go home, when they eat, when you eat, when you go to the gym…
Robyn managed to differentiate between my ‘going out’ coat and my ‘I’ll be back in five minutes coat.’ When I put my ‘going out coat’ on, Robyn is around my ankles before I’ve even picked it up and begging me not to go. When I put my other coat on, he knows I’ll be back within a few minutes, so he doesn’t bother wasting his precious energy.
This is why a sudden schedule change can be very disruptive for them. They know things are changing, but they have no idea why. So, you should always incorporate adaptation into their life slowly.
TIP: If you’re looking for ways to entertain your Siamese, get your hands on some cat puzzles. If your Siamese is food-motivated (let’s face it, they all are), they’ll be entertained for hours. Don’t be surprised when they figure it out after a few attempts, though!
5. Talkative
Talkative may be a slight understatement. If you’ve ever heard the meow of a Siamese, you’ll know firsthand that they’re loud – and constant.
They’ll meow when they’re bored, happy, sad, tired, hungry, content, playful… you get the picture.
The reason for all this noise ties back in with the second point; they’re extremely sociable creatures. Meowing is simply another form of communication, and they want to make sure they’re being heard at all times.
Siamese cats also sound pretty different from your average moggie. These are learned from centuries of attention-seeking; they chatter, chirp, and often sound like a human baby crying.
They do this because they know it’ll get your attention, and believe me, that is all they ever want.
6. Energetic
Imagine giving a two-year-old a pound of candy and a pint of soda. Now times that energy by two, and you have a Siamese cat.
But in all seriousness, Siamese cats have unmatched energy. It took me a long time to figure out the proper routine with both Batman and Robyn to ensure I got a total of 8 hours of sleep at night. Before that, they’d have me up all hours of the night, running around and creating havoc.
Siamese cats love playing. They will play with anything they can get their paws on, and their energy seems never to run out.
It is possible due to health conditions that your Siamese is not active. However, it is a huge personality trait and may indicate to your cat being mixed if they’re more laid back.
7. Loyal
Siamese cats are known for their ability to form a strong bond with their owners. This bond gradually leads to a strong emotional attachment, making your Siamese become more dependent and protective of you.
They show their loyalty by guarding your surroundings and showering you with lots of attention. Does your Siamese follow you around the house? You should be glad because that just means they want to watch over you and protect you.
How protective are Siamese cats of their owners? I dove deeper into this topic in one of my blogs. Click the link to read the full article!
How much is a purebred Siamese cat worth?

Siamese cats aren’t cheap; let’s just put it that way. If you find yourself a reputable breeder (ALWAYS do your research!), you can be paying anywhere from $200 – $1000.
The price of a purebred Siamese depends on their color and age and if they are a pedigree. You can expect to pay as high as $1500 for a pedigree Siamese and up to $2000 if they’re an adult.
Here is a summary of how much Siamese kittens cost depending on their colorings:
The prices may seem a little vague, but it all depends on your location and breeder.
If you don’t like the idea of spending that much money, or you don’t support breeders, you can find both Siamese kittens and adults in rescue centers. Batman and Robyn came from a rescue lady who found them inside an abandoned building.
Not only did I save myself a ton of money, but I also loved knowing that I gave them a warm and loving home after going through a traumatizing time.
Do cat DNA tests work?
Do you know those DNA tests that were super popular a while ago? Well, they also have ones for your pets!
To be completely honest with you, I can’t tell you from experience whether they work or not since I’ve never had to use one. That being said, I was super curious to see the results, so I went on a little deep dive to see what others had to say.
It seems like these DNA tests are a little hit-and-miss when it comes to finding out the breed of your cat. While some companies can tell you all about your kitties’ genetic makeup, others can’t.
It seems like the primary purpose of these DNA results is to see if your cat has any inherited genetic diseases or mutations.
Finding out the specific breed of your cat is much more complicated than dogs since cats have a pretty muddled ancestry. That being said, selected tests can show the following:
While they may not be able to give you a report that says, “18% Burmese and 82% Siamese.” It could give you a better insight into their genomic background and health. Make sure you always do your research before purchasing any tests, and always check the reviews!
Is my Siamese cat purebred?
Finding out whether or not your Siamese is 100% purebred can be difficult, especially if there are no physical signs. Siamese cats have powerful personalities and characteristics, so if your cat isn’t talkative, playful, or loving, there is a high chance they are mixed with a more relaxed breed.
Remember, all Siamese cats have blue eyes, short coats, and have light fur with darker points, usually on their noses, paws, tails, and ears.
If you’ve found out that your Siamese isn’t purebred, don’t worry! It doesn’t mean they’re any less remarkable than a purebred cat; their mixed genes are just another thing that makes them so unique and lovable.
Be the Siamese Cat expert you always wish to be! From color points to similar cat breeds, discover everything you need to know about their unique charm and characteristics in our comprehensive guide: Siamese Cat Breed: Types, Color Points and Comparison to Other Cat Breeds
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