Yes, absolutely! Siamese cats make exceptional emotional support animals. They are highly intelligent and can sense your sadness and depression from a mile off. They are also amazing healers when it comes to PTSD.
Both of our Siamese cats, Batman and Robyn, are registered as emotional support animals. Due to their loving and caring nature, it’s no surprise that these pretty kitties make fantastic support animals.
What are emotional support cats?
Emotional support animals (ESA’s) are pets that help to relieve emotional and mental distress.
If you suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, or experience physical pain triggered by stress, an emotional support kitty may be the perfect fit for you.
Not many people realize how effective emotional support cats can be or that they can even be support animals at all.
While dogs are usually the go-to when it comes to emotional support animals, they are not always the right fit. Some of us may not be able to care for such an energetic soul, while others just aren’t dog people.
Cats, on the other hand, are relatively easy to care for. They are clean, non-intrusive, independent, and have the power to create unbreakable bonds with their owners.
I know from experience that there is nothing better than coming home to my Siamese kitties after a long day.
Fun fact: registered ESA’s are protected by the U.S Department of housing under the Fair Housing Act. So, regardless of your landlord’s rules against pets, your emotional support kitty can live with you!
Why are Siamese cats good support animals?

Siamese cats make fantastic EMA’s for a handful of reasons. If you already have one of these loving babies at home, you’ll know that they are full of personality.
I have yet to meet a breed that is more loving than a Siamese. While all the cats I have had in the past have been wonderful pets, there’s just something about these intelligent kitties that put them in a league of their own.
Siamese cats are incredibly social creatures. If you often feel lonely or wish there was someone to give you love, these cats will be the first in line.
They dislike being left alone and demand the maximum amount of attention in return for their unbreakable bond.
They are also packed to the brim with character. Batman and Robyn make me smile and laugh every day with their antics – having conversations with each other about the weather, seeing who can run around in circles the fastest. Five minutes with my boys is an instant mood-booster.
Siamese cats are among the most intelligent breeds out there. They have the ability to learn your schedule, knowing instantly if something changes or is not quite right. Due to this intelligence, they will be able to sense when you are feeling upset or under the weather.
I feel much better once I’ve gotten some fresh air, but I don’t always like going for walks alone. It took me only a few weeks to teach Robyn how to walk with a harness, and he soon (ironically) became my partner in crime during our outings.
In summary, Siamese cats make the perfect support animal due to their uncompromising love, social attitude, intelligence, and charming personality.
How do I register my cat as a emotional support animal?

Although emotional support cats don’t require training, you will still have to get your Siamese approved by a licensed psychiatrist or therapist.
While I’m sure I don’t have to say it, you must get your Siamese registered as an emotional support animal for all the right reasons. ESA’s are only intended for those who are in need and suffer from mental health issues.
The process of getting your cat registered is pretty straightforward; however, it isn’t as simple as registering your Siamese because your apartment has a no pet policy.
That being said, here is a step-by-step guide to registering your Siamese as an emotional support animal.
Step 1: Connecting with a licensed mental health professional
If you already have a therapist, you can ask them about making your Siamese an emotional support animal. Since ESA’s are only for people with difficulties like anxiety and depression, you will have to have a mental health disability to qualify.
If your therapist or doctor feels like you will benefit from having an emotional support animal, they will be able to issue you with an ESA letter.
If you don’t have access to a therapist, you can also connect with one online and get it prescribed that way. To do so, you will have to visit the ESA doctor’s website and complete a questionnaire.
Step 2: Ensuring your cat is fit for the job
Suppose you already have a Siamese cat that you would like to make an ESA. In that case, you will need to provide certain information regarding their behavior and whether or not they are a threat to other animals and people around them.
There is no age limit for emotional support cats, and as I mentioned earlier, they also don’t require any special training. So, if you want your kitten to be an ESA, you can do just that – the same goes for a senior cat.
As long as your Siamese exhibits good behavior and provides support for your mental health disability, there are no reasons why they can not be a support animal.
Step 3: Notifying your landlord
As I already stated, ESA’s are protected under the Fair Housing Act. You can simply submit your ESA letter to your landlord either in person or via email. However, I do suggest emailing it as it will provide a record that you submitted the correct paperwork.
Step 4 (optional): Registering your emotional support animal
All you need for your Siamese to become an official emotional support animal is the ESA letter you receive from your therapist or doctor. There are no special badges or vests for ESA’s – unless you want one, of course!
Therefore registering your Siamese as an emotional support animal is entirely optional and not required by law.
When I registered both Batman and Robyn to be emotional support animals, the process was pretty straightforward. My therapist already knew how much support I got through my kitties, so there was no doubt in his mind that they would be beneficial to me.
Once my therapist approved both of them, I was given a letter showing that they were a part of my treatment plan.
Before 2020, I was allowed to take both Batman and Robyn traveling with me as they could accompany me on airplanes. Unfortunately, they have recently retracted this benefit, allowing only service animals to do so – as of now, only dogs can be registered as service animals.
However, we are still protected under the Fair Housing Act, which is a huge bonus.
Can my Siamese be an emotional support animal?
If you suffer from a mental health disability such as anxiety or depression, there is no reason why your Siamese can’t be an ESA if they are well behaved.
Siamese cats make fantastic emotional support animals due to their uncompromising love, affection for their owners, impressive intelligence, and the need to ensure their pet parents are happy at all times.
I don’t think I could have found better support animals than Batman and Robyn. They can’t fix all my problems, but they sure do make my day easier.
If you’re searching for the perfect ESA, look no further than the Siamese!
Want to immerse yourself more in the captivating world of Siamese cats? I’ve got all the information you need from their distinct color points to their fun personalities: Siamese Cats: Unique Features and Personality
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