Siamese Cat Not Vocal- Should You Be Worried?

Our faithful Siamese – known for running the household, their dog-like behavior, and often than not, being a little too clingy.

Another strange (but lovable) trait is their need to be vocal all of the time. If you’re lucky enough to be graced with one of these felines, you know just how much attention they demand – one of the big reasons why they’re so vocal!

So, when this chatty little catty gets quiet, should you be worried?

A Siamese cat suddenly losing their voice or not wanting to be vocal is a cause for concern. Ironically enough, no sound is sometimes a cry for help. That’s why it is always important to listen with your eyes as well as your ears.

Why are Siamese cats so vocal?

One of the reasons Siamese cats are so widely loved is because of their social personality. While most felines are known for being rather aloof, the Siamese cat is in a league of their own. 

They want to be with you 24 hours a day!

Forget about your “me time.” That simply doesn’t exist when you own one of these pretty little kitties. If you fail to show them enough attention, they will repay you with a rather loud (and sometimes annoying) meow. 

Here are a few reasons why your Siamese meows so much:

  • They’re bored.
  • They’re feeling lonely.
  • They’re hungry.
  • They’re trying to tell you something.
  • They’re sick.
  • They’re in heat.
  • They’re adjusting to their new life.

Why is my Siamese cat not vocal?

Kittens are like kindergartners – they talk to everyone. Especially each other, in their adorable kitten language. They can be tackling their sibling one moment, and cuddling with him the next. The trust and innocence of little children extend to little cats.

When your kitten matures, she is likely to become more restrained. She may only speak to you when she needs something – or wants something.  More often the second one! 

This even extends to Siamese cats – one of the most vocal cat breeds. This could be because she’s gained a little more patience or perspective. Or it could be due to the general lack of enthusiasm that typifies cat naps.

For most cats, lack of vocalization may be a personality trait. But the Siamese cat is the opposite. They are outgoing and vocal by nature – this is their personality. So if your Siamese is quiet, or suddenly goes quiet, it may be cause for concern.

Siamese Cat Not Vocal – Is Something Wrong?

Cats are funny creatures. They don’t always tell us when they’re not feeling their best. And sometimes, their silence is the biggest hint you’ll get. 

The problem is: A cat is every bit as likely to become more vocal if she’s trying to tell you something is wrong.  So what you need to look for, is any change to her normal communication method. 

If your usually chatty Siamese cat stops talking out of nowhere, it could be a cause for concern. Any number of things could be amiss, including:

  • A General Sense of Unwellness: You know the feeling: You’re chilled, exhausted, and sore. Your tummy hurts. And the last thing you feel like doing is speaking to anyone because this would take energy.  Your cat can feel this way too, so a trip to the vet might be in order.
  • A Sore Throat or Damaged Larynx: We especially don’t feel talking when we have a sore throat. Ditto for your cat. Causes may include:
  • Smoke or Dust Inhalation: Extended exposure to smoke or dust may scare the larynx, making vocalization painful. 
  • Upper Respiratory Infection: (It’s probably not COVID-19, but a test will tell – maybe).
  • Injury: This is something to watch, especially in outdoor cats. A kick to the throat or chest area from a catfight could cause damage to the larynx.
  • Cancer: The most prevalent cause of laryngeal paralysis or disease in cats is a tumor. Thyroid cancer is another to watch for, given the gland’s close proximity to the throat.

Before you start to worry, though, it’s best to consider the simplest answer. Believe me, I’ve been there. I will immediately jump to the worst-case scenario. When in all actuality, they’re mad at me, or each other.  If the silence continues for longer than a couple of days, seek veterinary help.

  • Deafness: This condition most often presents itself at birth. It is possible, though, for a cat to lose their hearing. So if your usually vocal Siamese cat has gone quiet, this is another consideration.

    Why aren’t deaf cats vocal? Babies of all species learn by imitation. A kitten who is born deaf won’t understand that meowing gets them attention.

    There is also an unknown mindfulness component to this. People who can’t hear themselves speak will usually have more trouble learning to do so. The same goes for your cat. 

    This is also the reason sudden deafness is less likely to be the cause.  If he already knows how to meow, and knows what it gets him, he’s going to meow at the top of his lungs whether he can hear it or not.

What can I do about my vocal Siamese cat?

My cats meow at me for breakfast at 4 am because they know I’ll sleepwalk to the food bowl to stop the yowling. This is because I’m a pushover. I melt at the first plaintive cry combined with eye blink. Don’t be me. 

Here are some ways you can get a good night’s sleep, and live in harmony with your Siamese cat:

Behavioral Training: We call ourselves fur-parents for a reason. As with children, the key to stopping a temper tantrum in a cat is positive reinforcement. 

So if, like me, you reward your cats’ desire for an early breakfast by complying, this will become ingrained.  If instead, you offer an extra treat at 6 am, they will become conditioned to sleep through the night. This treat-based positive reinforcement works with almost anything by the way. Especially if you go with Temptations! Find a great deal here on (Insert Amazon link). 

Patience: Sometimes you have to let them cry it out. While it might be torture, this has proven to be the best path to silence for babies and cats. Once the Siamese has said everything there is to say, he is usually satisfied.  Especially if you set strategy number one in motion first.

Feeding On a Schedule: Siamese cats are incredibly intelligent. Because of this, they know that loud meowing can lead to food. So, if your Siamese tends to meow for food, try feeding them on a schedule. This will cut down the amount of time they spend meowing or begging for food. Also, ignore all their loud demands and only feed them once they are quiet. 

Be Attentive:  This one should go without saying, but the reality is, we get busy. In today’s hamster wheel of work and family priorities, it can be easy to take your cats for granted.

Don’t do this. After all, they’re family too, and they deserve a prime spot on the wheel. As long as they don’t eat the hamster. 

If you already spend enough time with your Siamese but they still seem lonely, consider getting another cat. Keep in mind, Siamese cats are very territorial and needy, so if you think your cat can’t handle this, don’t try. If you do want to introduce another kitty into both of your lives, always introduce them slowly. Once your Siamese has accepted your new cat, they will have a friend for life.

Are all Siamese cats vocal?

Unless you’ve got a mute kitty on your hands, all Siamese cats are vocal! Whether it be down to reminding you it’s dinner time, asking to play, or simply telling you they love you – your house will always be filled with their adorable meezers. 

If your Siamese has become quiet, this could be a sign that something is wrong. Listen with your eyes – not just your ears. And if you believe your Siamese is suffering in silence, it’s time for a trip to the vets.

We gathered all the health tips tailored toward maintaining your Siamese cat’s optimal well-being. Check it out here: Siamese Cat Health: A Complete Guide

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siamese cat habits, Siamese cats

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