Your Siamese cat’s diet impacts the texture and condition of his coat. It will show in their coats whenever they are not getting enough nutrients.
The health of your cat’s coat depends on what you feed him, so what should he eat? Read on to find out.
What Foods Help Keep My Siamese Cat’s Coat Healthy?
Many people consider broccoli a “superfood.” Broccoli is high in vitamin A. Consuming fresh and young broccoli benefits your cat’s coat.
Choose broccoli with a firm, bright green color, not yellowish wilt. Be sure to wash the broccoli before feeding your cat.
Leafy greens are an excellent place to start if you want to revive your cat’s coat’s smoothness and luster. One of them is cabbage.
Cabbage is an excellent addition to your cat’s food bowl from time to time. Cabbage also helps lower your cat’s diabetes, cancer, and heart disease risk.
Cabbage is an excellent source of micronutrients, vitamin K, and iron.
These nutrients are great for your cat’s coat and skin.
You can cook, steam, or roast the cabbage before feeding it to your cat. Be sure not to overcook it. The longer you cook cabbage, the more pungent the odor will be. Your cat will not love eating them because of its pungent odor.
Peas are a great source of protein. They are beneficial for your cat’s coat.
I cannot emphasize enough how nutritious peas are. They contain a lot of iron and thiamine.
They are also a great source of vitamins A, C, and K. They are also beneficial in preventing feline diabetes.
You can feed your cat snap, sweet, or garden peas. These kinds are safe for cats to eat. The peas are great, both fresh and frozen. You can heat up or steam them before giving them to your cat.
Remember that you should only add extra flavorings or oil when cooking the peas. Also, be careful not to overcook them. You can add them to your cat’s regular food now and then.
A fantastic treat for your cat is a cantaloupe melon. It has a high water content, which can help keep your cat from getting dehydrated. Remember that your Siamese cat can have better-looking fur if he is always hydrated.
Cantaloupe is high in vitamins A and B. These nutrients improve the appearance of your cat’s skin and hair.
Pick a cantaloupe that feels firm and has even coloration to ensure you get the best quality fruit. It is overripe if you find any soft spots or bruises. Look for soft spots or bruising as well. Your cat will not like the smell of it.
You can cut the cantaloupe into small, thin pieces and give it to your cat fresh.
Cauliflower can help reduce the risk of diabetes in cats and promote a healthy coat. This cruciferous veggie has a lot of phytonutrients and antioxidants in it.
Cauliflower is a healthy choice. It is high in fiber and rich in B vitamins. It contains essential nutrients that your cat needs.
Cauliflower can improve your cat’s skin and coat when added to your cat’s diet in moderation. A small serving of steamed or cooked cauliflower is a healthy side dish for your cat. Cauliflowers with firm heads and no brown spots are the freshest options.
You might think that dandelions are garden weeds. They are beneficial to your cat’s coat. For botanists, dandelion is a plant in the same family as other herbs. People use their leaves for medicinal purposes. We can also give them to our cats as an occasional treat.
Dandelion leaves help keep your cat’s skin from getting infections. They help make your cat’s fur look better. They also aid in the promotion of liver health. Moderate consumption of dandelion leaves is safe for your cat.

Watermelon can be a tasty treat for your Siamese cat once in a while. It has a high water content, which is ideal for extra hydration. Being hydrated will benefit your cat’s skin and coat. It will not harm him.
Watermelon is my special summertime treat for my feline friends. Batman and Robyn not only like it but enjoy having it. It’s one of their favorite fruits, for sure!
Sweet potatoes are beneficial for your cat’s health in many ways. They are an excellent source of potassium, fiber, and other essential nutrients.
Sweet potatoes are rich in calcium, iron, vitamin C, and protein. They contribute to the upkeep of blood pressure levels that are best for your cat. They also help to keep your cat’s eyes and coat healthy.
You can cook the sweet potato to bring out its sweet natural flavor that your cat will enjoy. Verify the condition of the sweet potatoes before buying. Make sure their skin is smooth, and their bodies are firm.
Your cat can enjoy occasional servings of sweet potato in their diet. Also, you could add a little yogurt before giving them to your cat.
Cranberries are rich in antioxidants and nutrients. We consume them as juice or sauce. This superfood is safe for cats to eat as well. They contain a lot of fiber and flavonoids. They also contain vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
Do not give your cat any raw cranberries. Your cat can take them in pill form, as soft chews, or when mixed in canned foods. Cranberries in soft chews or tablets can help your cat’s urinary tract stay healthy. It also serves to ward off any potential skin or coat infections.
Cranberries and blueberries, which have natural pigmentation qualities, are common in cat food.
Pumpkins can be more than a Halloween decoration. They can also be a healthy snack for your cat. Pumpkin contains a high concentration of beta-carotene, which helps lower cancer risk.
Also, pumpkin is rich in vitamin A, which helps prevent skin and coat problems in your cat.
You can feed your cat pumpkin, either fresh or canned. Canned pumpkin is also a good choice. You can also combine a small amount of yogurt with the pumpkin and offer it to your cat as a treat.
Your Siamese cat will enjoy a small amount of rice in his meal. You can serve him either brown or white cooked rice. Rice is high in iron, fiber, and B vitamins which can help maintain your cat’s healthy coat.
The rice should be soft and moist so your cat can digest it. Throw some fish or other ground beef on top of the rice. Your cat is sure to enjoy having this combo.
Keep your cat from overeating rice. Consuming an excessive amount of rice is unhealthy. It might cause your cat to throw up and have diarrhea.
Chicken is a favorite food for Siamese cats. Chicken is a good protein and vitamin B source, beneficial for your cat’s coat.
You can prepare a homemade chicken meal for your cat too. The best chicken to give your Siamese cat is a boiled chicken. Make sure to leave the seasonings off of it. You can also use ground chicken.
Your cat will have no trouble eating turkey slices. Turkey contains many proteins and B vitamins, even in tiny portions. These nutrients are essential for your cat’s skin and fur health.
Please do not give your cat deep-fried turkey, as it can cause an upset stomach. Boiled turkey slices would go well with some gravy. My cats enjoy the flavor of boneless turkey.

Feed your Siamese cat beef for a shiny coat. It benefits your cat’s skin and fur because beef is rich in protein and amino acids.
You may want to feed your cat raw beef, but please don’t. Cooked beef is preferable to raw beef. Give your cat a piece of beef with less fat on it, so he does not get an upset stomach.
Eggs are a protein-rich food source. They are also high in vitamin D. They also have fewer carbohydrates. The egg yolk is particularly helpful for your cat’s coat. You can apply it sparingly to your cat’s coat or cook the egg.
If you cook or scramble an egg, break it into small pieces before feeding it to your cat. Offering them raw eggs is not recommended.
Raw eggs might contain salmonella, which is harmful to your cat. Also, avoid overfeeding your Siamese cat with eggs. Giving your cat an egg once a day is too much.
A small piece of cheese can provide your cat with vitamins A and D, which benefit your cat’s skin and coat. Cheese can also be beneficial to your cat’s dental health.
You can give a small piece of cheese to your cat. Most Siamese cats enjoy goat cheese as well as cream cheese.
Your cat will be content with a dice size of cheese for sure.
Green beans are beneficial for your cat’s general health. They are also high in B vitamins, which can help your cat’s coat stay healthy.
Green beans make a tasty and nutritious treat for your cat. They promote healthy digestion and help reduce the risk of diabetes.
Do not feed your cat raw green beans. You can boil or steam the green beans to soften them.
Spinach has a high protein, vitamin, and iron content. It has many positive effects on my cats’ health, so I often add it as a side dish to their regular food. Spinach contains high amounts of vitamin A.
Vitamin A helps control the amount of oil produced by your cat’s skin. Vitamin A also aids in the moisture retention of your cat’s coat.
Spinach is safe for your cat to consume in small amounts. There are a lot of commercial cat foods that have spinach in them. You can give your cat raw spinach leaves. Keep them plain when serving. Don’t add any seasoning or sauces.
Salmon is a nutritious addition to your Siamese cat’s diet. It has many health benefits.
Salmon is high in vitamin A, which keeps your cat’s coat healthy and shiny. It has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids and protein.
Batman and Robyn love salmon! I like that salmon does not have any sugar or carbs in it.
Canned fish is okay, but fresh salmon contains far more vitamins.
Salmon should have a fresh smell and a firm appearance when you buy it. Cooking the salmon before feeding it to your cat is the best option. Raw salmon may cause digestive problems in your cat.
Tuna has a high protein content and a low carbohydrate content. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are ideal for your cat’s skin and coat health.
Tuna is an ingredient in many commercial cat foods. Many cats enjoy it.
Batman and Robyn are among them. They do not waste any time digging in when it comes to tuna!
You can feed canned as well as fresh tuna to your cat.
Barley contains a lot of protein and amino acids, which are beneficial for your cat’s coat.
Commercial cat foods often have barley as one of their ingredients. Your cat can consume boiled barley in small amounts.
Duck meat can be a tasty addition to your Siamese cat’s diet. This type of meat contains vitamins A, B3, and B2, which help keep your cat’s coat shiny.
Duck meat is a fantastic source of protein. You can feed it to your cat, but never raw. Slice the meat into tiny pieces and crumble it into your cat’s kibble.
Apples are rich in iron, protein, and vitamin C, all of which support the health of your cat’s skin and hair.
I peel the apple’s skin and slice it into thin pieces. Your cat is safe to eat the peel. I like taking off the peel, so it is easier to eat.
A quarter of an apple will suffice as a treat. You can also give him a tablespoon of apple puree often as a treat.
How Can I Improve My Siamese Cat’s Skin and Coat?
Your cat’s skin contains natural oils that keep the coat shiny and healthy. However, the oils that keep his coat healthy will not be able to keep up if your Siamese cat already has a skin infection.
You will notice this when your Siamese cat’s coat has dried and become dull.
The fantastic news is that you can improve your Siamese cat’s coat with natural remedies. These are:
These oils help prevent excessive shedding. They can help thicken your cat’s coat.
You can either rub them into your cat’s fur or give them orally. It will help restore your cat’s coat’s health and natural shine.
You can pick one of these natural remedies at a time to test out. Check which one your cat responds well to and prefers.
Thank you for reading! I hope you find this post helpful!
We gathered all the health tips tailored towards maintaining your Siamese cat’s optimal well-being. Check it out here: Siamese Cat Health: A Complete Guide
Armstrong, P. J., Gross, K. L., Becvarova, I., & Debraekeleer, J. (2010). Introduction to feeding normal cats. Small Animal Clinical Nutrition; Hand, MS, Thatcher, CD, Remillard, RL, Roudebush, P., Novotny, BJ, Eds, 371-372.
Craig, J. M. (2019). Food intolerance in dogs and cats. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 60(2), 77-85.
Michel, K. E., Willoughby, K. N., Abood, S. K., Fascetti, A. J., Fleeman, L. M., Freeman, L. M., … & Van Doren, J. R. (2008). Attitudes of pet owners toward pet foods and feeding management of cats and dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 233(11), 1699-1703.