Siamese cats have a reputation for odd behaviors. One of these behaviors is eating grass and throwing it up minutes later. Cat experts have come up with several explanations for why cats eat grass.
Siamese cats eat grass to increase their green intake and prevent vitamin deficiencies. They have an odd, intrinsic ability to know when they need to eat grass. They chew on grass to help them feel less anxious. It also relieves constipation and helps them avoid serious digestive issues.
Batman, my Siamese cat, enjoys munching on a grassy patch like most cats. It makes him happy because he tries so hard to sneak out whenever I open the door to go outside!
Have you ever found your cat eating grass too? Don’t worry. Your cat can eat grass in moderation as long as it has no pesticides or herbicides. It is in his nature to include plant-based foods in his diet.
Our cats do not gobble up grass without giving it any thought or consideration. They eat grass for various beneficial reasons.
Read this article to learn why Siamese cats eat grass and how to keep your kitty safe by providing cat grass.
Why Do Siamese Cats Eat Grass?
1. They Eat Grass Out Of Instinct.
Cats have an innate desire to eat plants, which has helped them survive and thrive over time. It is in their nature to include plant foods in their diet.
Eating plants is typical feline behavior, according to many cat enthusiasts. There was a survey by UC Davis among thousands of cat owners who spend at least three hours a day with their cats. They noted that 71% of cats were plant-nibbling while only 11% were not.
My Siamese cats, Batman and Robyn, often try to tag along when I go outside so they can enjoy the grassy patch.
2. Chomping On Grass Helps Calm Their Nerves.
Siamese cats eat grass not only to relieve their hunger pangs but also to relieve their anxiety.
Grass eating is their version of “stress eating.”
Grass becomes like a pack of chewing gum for your Siamese cat when stress hits him. Your cat needs a way to deal with his stress, and eating grass is one of the things he does.
3. They Consume Grass To Combat Vitamin Deficiency.
Siamese cats consume grass for the same reasons we include vegetables in our diets. They want to get more greens and supplement their diet.
Grass juice has folic acid, the same as what kittens get from their mother’s milk. It is an essential vitamin because it not only aids digestion but also promotes cell growth.
Your Siamese cat may be eating grass to compensate for his lack of vitamins. Consult your vet about a complete and balanced diet If you often see your kitty eating grass.
4. They Eat Grass To Relieve Constipation.
Siamese cats are prone to specific digestive issues, like constipation and diarrhea. They seek out soft blades of grass to settle their stomachs, the same way humans pop an antacid tablet. Non-toxic plants and grass like pampas and Sudan grass serve as natural laxatives to them.
Your Siamese cat may sometimes go on a quest for grass to relieve his constipation. He may eat grass to remove fur and any matter that bothers his stomach to ease his constipation.
5. Eating Grass Helps Them Avoid Serious Digestive Problems.
Cats have long used grass as a digestive aid, even though we do not consider it necessary for them. Siamese cats lack the enzyme required to digest large amounts of food. They eat grass to help break down foods and other things in their digestive tract.
They also consume grass to clear their stomachs of small bones, fur, and parasites.
Your Siamese cat may eat grass to calm his upset stomach. Grass eating is also a preventive step he takes to avoid severe digestive problems.
Does Grass Make Siamese Cats Sick?

Grass will not make your cat sick if he eats small amounts of it and ingests no pesticides or herbicides.
Grass will come out of his body as a hairball or poop if he eats small amounts of it. Do not worry if your cat likes to chew on a few blades of grass, as long as he can get rid of it in a short time.
The grass may get lodged in your cat’s nasal passages, making him sneeze a lot if he eats grass too often. Contact your vet for safe removal if this happens.
There is a risk that your Siamese cat may consume treated grass and other plant matter. Ingestion of toxic grasses can cause mild to severe reactions. Seek medical attention if any toxic-related side effects appear. We must know which grasses and plants are safe and which are not for our cats.
What Grasses Are Harmful To Siamese Cats?
These are some grasses that are toxic to cats:
This popular houseplant is toxic to cats. It has a bitter, rancid flavor and causes severe symptoms depending on how much a cat eats. It can cause hypersalivation, anorexia, and blood vomiting.
This tall prairie grass is grown for ornamental purposes in gardens. It is not poisonous to cats but may cause a stomach ache.
This plant is toxic to cats, dogs, sheep, and cattle. It causes anxiety, rapid breathing, salivation, twitching muscles, and convulsions.
This ornamental evergreen has saponins that protect it from pests. These saponins are toxic to cats. It causes anorexia, loss of appetite, vomiting, and depression.
The Palm Lily, also known as Cordyline Rubra, is a popular houseplant. It can be toxic to cats, though. It causes diarrhea, hyper salivation, loss of appetite, and vomiting.
Have you heard that lemongrass has a similar effect on most cats as catnip? Cats can gnaw on a small piece of it. It can be toxic to them if consumed in large quantities. It can damage their liver if they eat it too much.
Are Siamese Cats Prone To Plant Poisoning?

Siamese cats do not get poisoned often, which is a good thing! They are cautious about what they eat. They do not eat things that smell bad or look dangerous.
I know that we cat parents want the best for our cats. We should keep them indoors and remove all toxic plants in our house.
How will they enjoy grass if they can not go outside? How can they enjoy the good things that grass can do for them? The best and easy solution is to use cat grass!
What Is Cat Grass?
Cat grass, also called “pet grass,” is grown for cats and is usually indoors. It is not a single kind of plant. It comes from barley, oat, wheat, and rye seeds.
It can be grown in a dish, from which your cat can eat the grass, or you can add it to his food.
It is okay to offer your kitty cat grass now and then, but it is best to limit his intake. Do not exceed 10% of your cat’s diet with grass.
Cat grass is both safe and healthy for your cat to eat. It is like a mix of cereal grasses that you can use to add more vitamins to your pet’s diet. Cat grass kits are available online, in pet stores, and at your vet’s office.
I bought cat grass so my cats can access grass year-round. The ones I bought for Batman and Robyn were about 3 inches tall.
Cat grass is easy to cultivate. You can get seeds from a garden center if you want to grow your cat grass so your indoor cat has safe grass to graze on.
I intend to grow some this year! We’ll only need pot plants, seeds, soil, and water.
What Are The Benefits Of Cat Grass In Siamese Cats?
Cat grass contains grains, which aid digestion and elimination. It acts as a laxative, flushing out hairballs and undigested food. Cat grass also contains chlorophyll, which helps keep your cat’s breath fresh. It also alleviates pain and promotes the healing of infections.
Your Siamese cat will be less likely to sneak out and eat harmful plants. Cat grass is the best way to protect your kitty while allowing him to enjoy a green grass party!
Want to immerse yourself more in the captivating world of Siamese cats? I’ve got all the information you need from their distinct color points to their fun personalities: Siamese Cats: Unique Features and Personality