Is Your Siamese Cat Aggressive? Here’s What You Need to Know

It’s no secret to Siamese parents that these kitties are known for being lovable and affectionate. However, if you take a look at kids’ movies about pets, they’re often pictured as the villain. 

I definitely wouldn’t call them the villain, but there is some truth to both of these theories. 

Once a Siamese cat has become bonded to their family, yes, they become incredibly loving and loyal to their owners.

On the other hand, if they are in an uncomfortable environment or feel jealous, they may resort to aggression or being ‘mean.’ I guess to outsiders, this could be considered villain-like.

Why is my Siamese cat mean?

Siamese cats are assertive by nature; it seems like nothing can quite deter them from their mischievous ways. That being said, there is a huge difference between mischief and being downright mean. 

For example, if your Siamese doesn’t enjoy sitting on your lap – this is not mean behavior. If your feline friend is dominating and assertive, this is also not mean behavior. This is simply their personality, and something you will learn to love.

Scratching, biting, hissing, growling, and attacking is mean behavior. If your Siamese is reacting this way for no apparent reason (eg, hurt or scared) this means there is something deeper at play.

Why do Siamese cats become aggressive?

Siamese cats have the reputation for being more aggressive than your regular moggie. They tend to be more demanding, so it’s vital to understand where this aggression is coming from.

This breed is very energetic, needy, and high-strung. They’ll do everything in their power to get the attention they crave, even if that means coming off as aggressive. 

Siamese kitties are incredibly intelligent, so they know biting, tripping you, destroying your favorite sofa, and latching on to you will invoke a reaction. Unless they’re told otherwise, they’ll think it’s acceptable behavior.

Here are a few reasons why Siamese cats may become aggressive:

  • Jealousy – While Siamese cats are usually family-friendly, they mainly bond to one person in the household. Therefore they can become jealous and territorial towards new people. 
  • Sensitive to touch  – Some Siamese cats suffer from something called hyperesthesia. This causes them to be sensitive to touch, and they may be in pain when you’re petting them. 
  • Overexcited – Since these kitties are often hyperactive, their overexcitement can cause them to bite you in a ‘playful’ manner. This can come across as aggressive. 
  • Uncomfortable / Afraid – If your Siamese feels either of these emotions, they may turn to biting, scratching, or hissing as a form of defense. 
  • Craving attention – A lack of attention can cause a Siamese cat to do crazy things! They may come across as aggressive when they’re just trying to get your attention. 
  • Short temper – Having a short temper is just in their blood, just like being playful.

Does my Siamese cat have a traumatic past?

If your Siamese shows aggressive behavior, there is a chance that they have experienced a traumatic past. This is especially true for once feral kitties or ones that have been adopted. 

However, this doesn’t mean that all strays or adoptees show aggressive or mean behavior. Cats will also show this behavior in different ways – to other cats, animals, or humans. 

If you have an aggressive Siamese in your hands, keep an eye out for their trigger points. The things that trigger their aggression could give you a huge insight into their past. 

For example, if your Siamese gets scared by a specific object or movement, this could mean they have a bad history with said item. Strangers may also switch them to attack mode, much like other cats or animals can. 

Cats that suffer a traumatic past are scared of being touched, hurt, or tortured. So, aggression is just a means of self-defense, even if you do not intend to hurt or harm them.

Healing trauma is not an easy mountain to overcome. It will take a lot of patience, but with your love, you can give your Siamese a safe and comfortable environment where they can thrive.

How do Siamese cats show aggression?

This is Batman, our adorable Siamese cat we have in our home. He is so full of love and life. He is a seal point siamese cat.

If your Siamese is kind one moment then aggressive the next, it can be hard to pinpoint the reason why. Humans get angry, and animals get angry too. Since they can’t vocalize their emotions, they turn to aggressive behaviors. 

Here are 4 ways your Siamese may show aggression:

1. Playful Aggression 

If you have a Siamese kitten at home, chances are you’ve experienced play aggression. Since Siamese cats as a whole are incredibly playful, even adults may show aggression when playing. 

While playing for us may only be seen as a bit of fun, for cats it’s a different story. When cats play, they incorporate predatory, exploratory, and investigative behaviors. 

Playing allows them to get out their survival instincts. They’ll explore new areas and investigate moving objects – that’s why they especially enjoy toys that move. 

Bitting, pouncing, and batting these objects is just a way of investigating –  especially if that object resembles prey. 

If you’re unsure whether or not the aggression comes from playing or not, you can usually tell by the situation and body posture. Playful aggression will usually result in bites and scratches that do not break the skin, as they’re not trying to hurt you.

These little attacks will usually happen when you least expect them. Going down the stairs, moving under the covers, turning a corner – any movements your Siamese may see as sudden

The posture in which your Siamese shows will be similar to when catching prey. Twitching tail, low crotch, and wrapping themselves around your feet while biting.

2. “I’ve Had Enough.” Aggression

Although Siamese cats love human contact and affection, sometimes they’ve just had enough. This sudden biting may seem random to you, but cats show quite a few signs that they’ve done with petting. 

Signs you should look out for:

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to stop petting that kitty. Allow them to do their own thing, be that sitting on your lap or having time alone. If your Siamese continues to beg for attention, just walk away from them. 

If your cat doesn’t enjoy petting that much, you can try using a food reward. If your cat shows these aggression signs, try giving them a little treat to prolong the petting time. 

3. Defensive Aggression 

If your Siamese feels threatened, they will use scratching or biting as a defensive mechanism. This may happen as a response to punishment or possible punishment. They may also feel threatened by another animal.

A defensive posture will include tucking the tail, putting their ears back, and crouching with their legs under their body. If you approach your Siamese while they’re in this stance, it may end in an attack.

4. Redirected Aggression 

Redirected aggression is exactly what it says on the tin. Your Siamese may become annoyed by another human or animal, and then take it out on you. 

How Can I Stop My Siamese Being Aggressive?

Here is Batman on his favorite cat tree. He can have quite the look on his face when he is not happy we are taking a photo of him . So adorable!

With a ton of love and devotion, you can soon see results when it comes to aggression. 

Try the following ways to help your Siamese be less aggressive:

  • Find The Cause 

In order to fix the problem, you have to identify the source. Is it because of a traumatic past? Maybe a medical condition? Once you figure this out, it’ll be easier to proceed. 

  • A Safe Space

Ensuring your Siamese always has a safe space to go will make them feel a lot less anxious. Think high perches, quiet places, and other areas that allow them to hide. While they are incredibly social creatures, they do need their alone time every once and a while.

  • Understand Their Triggers

The best way to understand their triggers is to keep an eye on your Siamese to see their reactions to different situations. Said triggers are subject to change – they may even change daily. It is a great idea to also begin associating good things with these triggers.

  • Distance 

If your Siamese often becomes aggressive without a real cause, you’ll need to keep them in a separate room. This way they won’t be a risk to your family and they’ll also have time to cool down.

  • Positive Reinforcements 

If your Siamese is being aggressive, leave them alone. If their aggression stems from fear, following them around will only increase this. Let them come to you on their own terms. 

Avoid being too enthusiastic as you approach them. They may interpret this enthusiasm as a threat. Be calm and let them approach you.

You can also use treats as a form of reward when they’re done something good. Never reward bad behavior as this will make them feel like all is okay – if they’re being aggressive due to attention-seeking, just walk away.  

Never, ever resort to violence as a coping mechanism. All this will do is make them frightened of you.

The Bottom Line

Siamese cats can become aggressive for a bunch of reasons – jealousy, being over-excited, fearfulness… either way, it’s your job to make them feel comfortable and safe in their environment. 

Let them approach you, and never reward bad behavior. With a lot of love and dedication, your mean kitty will be feeling better in no time. 

Want to immerse yourself more in the captivating world of Siamese cats? I’ve got all the information you need from their distinct color points to their fun personalities: Siamese Cats: Unique Features and Personality

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