How to Clean Your Siamese Cat’s Nose

Let’s talk about the cutest and softest part of your cat’s face: the nose! One thing you should clarify if you’re a new cat parent is whether you need to clean your pet’s nose.

There are instances when it is necessary to clean your cat’s nose. It is best to be aware of these times to avoid overcleaning and missing any nose-related issues. Do a visual look and see if you should clean his nose.

Clean your Siamese cat’s nose if you notice clumps of dirt or nasal discharge. Clean it whenever there’s a musty crust or discoloration on the outer part. Wipe it with a clean towel or moisten cotton pad whenever you notice dust blocking the entrance of his nose.

Siamese cats rely on their keen senses of smell to find prey, remember where they’ve been, and check if a meal is safe. These are some reasons why their noses must be clean and healthy.

This article will guide you on caring for your Siamese cat’s nose and why keeping it clean is crucial to his health.

How Do I Clean My Siamese Cat’s Dirty Nose?


  • Collect all the supplies you will need to clean. Gather them near where you will put your cat. Having them nearby will allow you to clean your cat’s nose as quickly and effectively as possible. 

You will need the following supplies:

  • Clean and soft towel
  • Tissue
  • Unscented baby wipes
  • Cotton pads 
  • Clean, lukewarm water

Keep some treats on hand as a reinforcer to help you when you need a diversion. 

Batman, my Siamese cat, is an easygoing cat. He is chill and often tolerates having his nose cleaned without complaint. Robyn, in contrast, needs to be pet first and fed her favorite treats before she will cooperate.


  • Put your cat on a table or other flat surface. Keep your cat still and make sure he does not feel uncomfortable.

    Your cat may like cuddles, but it is different when you clean or groom him. Your cat might be too thrilled or reluctant to have his nose cleaned. Your cat will be less fussy about touching his nose since he knows the routine. 
  • Pet your cat to help him settle down and feel at ease. The sooner you start conditioning your cat for the cleaning time, the less stressful it will be for him. Your cat can stay still for a couple of minutes while you clean his nose if he is well-conditioned. 
  • Stay alert. Your cat might run away if you keep him still for too long. Your kitty might use his sharp claws to scratch, or he might bite until you relent and let him go.


  • Take a visual inspection to decide which direction to wipe and lightly scrub.
  • Wet a clean, dry towel to wipe the exterior view of your cat’s nose. We call this structure the “nasal plane” or “nose leather.”
  • Also, wipe the vertical ridge that forms under your cat’s nose. We call this part of his nose the “philtrum.”

    Clean, soft towels are my favorite option for cleaning up Batman and Robyn’s noses.

    I use tissues or unscented baby wipes sometimes. They work just as well.
  • Avoid rubbing too hard. Strenuous scrubbing is unnecessary when it comes to your cat’s nose. Your cat might interpret your rough handling as aggression and fearfully flee.

    You can scrub away any crust or discoloration on the outer part of your cat’s nose with light pressure.
  • Avoid touching your cat’s whiskers while you’re cleaning his nose. His whiskers are sensitive, so avoid bumping into them as much as possible. Your cat might feel the urge to run away if you brush up against his whiskers too often.

How Do I Clean My Siamese Cat’s Nasal Discharge?

  • Moisten a cotton pad in lukewarm water. Wipe the entrance of your cat’s nasal passages with it. We call this part the “naris.” You could also use unscented baby wipes.

    The mild moisture will help clear away black crust discharge and break up mucus crusts.
  • Use another cotton pad to do one more wipe. Wipe as quickly as possible, so your cat does not lose his temper. There needs to be more than the used cotton to clean your cat’s nose.

How Do I Remove Boogers From My Siamese Cat’s Nose?

  • You may sometimes notice black stuff or booger near your cat’s nostrils. A black booger could mean your kitty has a cold or allergies are starting to act up. You can clean off his booger using a soft, wet towel. 
  • Wipe away the discharge from your cat’s nasal passages as soon as you notice it. Do it immediately. 
  • It will be less challenging to clean this way. You can use a tissue or a moistened cotton pad.
  • Do not wipe off any dry boogers you see on your cat’s face. It could suggest something’s wrong with your pet’s nose. It could be an irritation or a more complicated issue. 
  • Take your feline friend to the vet if you see dry boogers on his face.

Important Things To Remember

  • It would be best to let a veterinary expert clean the insides of your cat’s nose instead of doing it yourself. It will help if you don’t do anything that could cause irritation or infection in his nose.
  • Inserting a Q-tip could do more harm than benefit if you still need to learn how to handle it. 
  • Visit the vet if you see or suspect debris or injury within his nose that is causing him pain.

Why Should I Clean My Siamese Cat’s Nose?

1. Your cat has excellent senses of smell and taste if his nose is clean.

Did you know that your Siamese cat’s nose stimulates his appetite? Your cat’s sense of smell helps him ensure that he enjoys his tasty dinner.

Our cats do not have many taste buds on their tongues. They depend on their nose to detect the aroma of the food and decide whether it will be a flavorful meal. 

Their sense of smell is the primary means of perceiving flavors for them. They can smell and taste better if their nostrils are clean.

2. Your kitty can breathe deeply if his nose has clumps of dirt and boogers.

Our cats need regular bouts of deep breathing to maintain high activity levels. They also need to take deep, cleansing breaths to have a healthy respiratory system.

We need to clean their noses as soon as we see gummed-up dirt and boogers. We should also wipe their nose leather if we notice a buildup of grime and mucus on their nostrils.

3. Your cat communicates with other cats by nose-sniffing.

Siamese cats sniff each other’s noses to engage in pleasantries. They can interact more with other felines if their noses are clean.

4. Your cat depends significantly on his sense of smell for daily survival. 

There are more than 200 million nerve cells in his nose. We only have 5 million sensory cells in our noses. 

The best way to care for your cat’s nose is to keep it clean. Always look out for potential irritants that could harm his precious organ.

Thanks for reading!

We gathered all the health tips tailored toward maintaining your Siamese cat’s optimal well-being. Check it out here: Siamese Cat Health: A Complete Guide

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