Do Siamese Cats Wander?

Cats are explorers by nature, no matter how much of a homebody they are, they’ll always have a little lion hidden within!

If your Siamese has free access to the outdoors, they may not be able to resist the urge for adventure. While Siamese kitties may be considered less ‘street savvy’ than other moggies, with proper supervision, you can stop them from wandering off too far and getting lost.

All in all, Siamese cats generally wander just as much as any other cat.

Why do cats roam?

If you’ve noticed you Siamese loves to roam, it’s a cat thing, not a you thing. They’re not hinting that they dislike your company, if anything, they love it more than anything! 

We’ll never really know the reason why some cats roam and others prefer to watch the world go by from the windowsill. But we do know, hunting is their basic instinct. No matter how full their bowl is they’ll always have that urge to go catch some dinner.

Cats tend to roam because they like to know any change within their environment. If you already own a Siamese, you’re well aware of how territorial they can be! Checking in and around their neighborhood gives them the ability to analyze any possible threats. If you have a male Siamese that is unneutered, they’ll be more likely to roam further in hopes to find a mate. 

Something to consider is also how your Siamese was raised. If your Siamese was feral or grew up as an outdoor cat, they’ll have a bigger urge to go outside and wander. 

How far do cats roam?

The roaming territory of your average domestic can vary. Males tend to wander further than females, and usually stay within a 150-acre territory. Females prefer to stay closer to home, around 40 acres.

Roaming can depend on many things, how many cats are in the neighborhood and your cat’s relationships with the neighborhood moggies. If your Siamese is cautious of other felines, they may only venture 10 meters from home. 

Are wandering Siamese cats in danger?

If your cat loves the outdoors, there are a few dangers they may face when roaming. Keep in mind, Siamese kitties are usually less street-wise than other felines.

  • Busy roads: The number one killer for all cats around the globe is cars. If you happen to live next to a busy street or road, your Siamese has a higher risk of getting hit by a vehicle. No matter how aware your cat is of this danger, cars and busy roads can always be unpredictable. 
  • Getting lost: If your kitty isn’t so familiar with their surroundings, or if they wander a little too far one day, they may get lost. 
  • Locked in: Cats are incredibly noisy creatures. They have no trouble getting into garages and sheds to see what’s good. The problem with this is it’s easy for them to accidentally get locked in.
  • Increased risk of disease: Once you let your Siamese across the threshold, they become at risk of infectious diseases. It’s impossible to control which cats’ your Siamese hangs around with, and if they make friends with a cat that has Feline AIDS, then they could be at risk of catching it too. 
  • Toxic substances: Gardens may use toxic substances such as antifreeze, rodent poisons, slug pellets, or have toxic plants. Unfortunately, this is something you can’t control, nor can you control whether your feline goes there or not.
  • They may get stolen: Siamese cats are an expensive, sort-after breed. For some reason, this gives certain people the idea that they can just take your Siamese home! 

How can I keep my Siamese safe outside?

If you’re worried about your Siamese roaming too far, there are a few things you can do to keep them safe.

  • Keep your Siamese inside. There are lots of good things that come along with letting your Siamese have some freedom, but the dangers are undeniably risky. If you have an older Siamese who is used to going outside, this might be easier said than done. They’ll definitely get a side of cabin fever. But if you’re contemplating letting your indoor Siamese out, maybe reconsider. The dangers may outweigh the benefits.
  • Get your cat neutered! I can’t stress this point enough. Not only will this stop unwanted pregnancies and possible health problems, but it will also stop them from roaming so far. Male cats can wander for miles searching for a mate, and they can also become more aggressive and territorial.
  • Keep up to date with vaccinations. They’re more than likely to come into other cats in their adventures. To avoid them catching any diseases it’s important to keep on top of their vaccinations, as well as flea and worming treatments. At the end of the day, a healthy Siamese is a happy Siamese!
  • Train your cat to come back when it is called. Use any loud noise that your cat will recognize – calling their name, shaking their food packet, whistling. If you make this sound before every mealtime, they’ll soon realize this sound means it’s dinner time. 
  • Supervise your Siamese. Let your feline out shortly before dinner or lunch and call them back when it’s time to eat. They’ll stick around if they know mealtime is around the corner. 
  • Try a harness. Not everyone likes the idea of being dragged around by a Siamese. But, if this keeps them safe AND gives them a little freedom to explore, what’s to lose? Adult cats may have a harder time adjusting to a harness, so it’s better off to start them off when they’re young.
  • Have them home before dark. Most accidents, run-ins with wild animals, and fights between other cats happen at night. If you have a cat flap, keep it locked. Most Siamese cats will run home before dinner time, but always limit them to daylight hours to be sure.
  • Get your cat microchipped. Having a collar with your contact details is great, but it’s not always enough. If they somehow break away from their collar, there is no way for someone to know who the cat belongs to. That’s why your Siamese needs to bemicrochipped, that way you have a much greater chance of getting them back.

So, do Siamese cats wander?

They sure do! No matter how much they love home, nothing can suppress that inner lion. It’s in their nature to want to explore, the only thing we can do is ensure their safety as they do!

Want to learn more about your Siamese cat’s behavior? We have compiled every information you need to navigate through the fascinating world of Siamese cats: Everything About a Siamese Cat’s Behavior: A Comprehensive Guide

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