Scratching is a normal behavior in cats. Even the most laid-back cats still exhibit their scratching proclivities. Our cats often scratch their toys, favorite boxes, and scratching posts. To our surprise, though, they scratch us too! Why could this be happening?
Siamese cats scratch humans when they’re overjoyed during playtime or overstimulated during petting. They scratch when they do not enjoy having certain body parts touched. They also scratch when they feel uncomfortable emotions like fear, panic, and the urge to flee.
Scratching may appear as a downside of cat ownership. It is important to remember that our pets are cats, and cats scratch.
They scratch to maintain their claws in tip-top condition and exercise their muscles. Our cats will become frustrated if they are unable to scratch.
Scratching is an inevitable part of their daily routine. We can redirect their scratching to the proper objects and surfaces.
Why Does My Siamese Cat Scratch Me?
1. Your cat feels overjoyed during your playtime.
Your cat has scratched you as a result of his rough play. He cannot contain his enthusiasm and wants to express his overwhelmed emotions.
Your cat might give playful scratches to you if he gets too excited about the game you two are going to play. Playful scratching is your cat’s way of releasing his energy.
Cats like to scratch as a form of social play, but they might scratch our hands if they feel overexcited.
I use toys like a wand or a fishing rod when I play with my cats. I like it because they get into them. They love pawing these toys, and I can avoid scratches from them.
2. Your cat gets overstimulated due to excessive petting.
Cats are sensitive creatures that can get overstimulated from too much petting. Have you ever pet your cat only to have him bite your hands and flee? That’s petting-induced aggression.
You’ll know that petting has overstimulated your cat when he makes a low growl and scratches you.
Make sure to do your petting sessions sparingly. Keep a look at your Siamese cat from time to time to see if he feels calm and is still happy with the petting.
3. You are petting your cat in a way he does not like.

A common Siamese cat tactic is to position himself to get petting on the neck’s head, cheeks, ears, and back. These are all areas where most of them find such stroking soothing and pleasurable.
There are other areas of their bodies that they do not appreciate getting touched. They do not like it when their paws, tails, or soft underbelly get stroked or rubbed.
A few will tolerate quick stroking in these areas, like my cat, Batman. Most will quickly spring away and exert much force with their claws to get away.
One common complaint I hear from cat parents is that their cats scratch them during petting.
Petting is a great way to show love and care to your cat. It helps improve your bond with your cat, only if done in the right spots. Otherwise, your feline friend may lash out in frustration by scratching you.
4. He is not in the mood for grooming, but you do it anyway.
Taking good care of our cats includes regular grooming. It benefits their health and allows us to connect more with them. Our cats may resort to scratching to break free if they are not in the mood for grooming.
Cats groom themselves best when they are feeling relaxed. Make sure your cat is okay getting stroked and held back before grooming. Please wait until your cat is calm and most receptive to grooming before brushing him. It will help ensure he will not resort to scratching and running away.
I groom my cats at their own pace. I also give them a break if they show signs that they’re not satisfied anymore and want to leave.
You can start another short brushing session when your cat feels calm again. Don’t groom your Siamese cat when you see clues that he’s had enough so he will not act mean or scratch you.
5. He is afraid and unsure about nail clipping and claw trimming.
Most Siamese cats have sensitive paws. Getting them used to clippers is a complex task. Your cat may act wary and make paw-swiping motions if it’s his first time having his nails clipped.
Your cat may dislike having his nails trimmed, but there are ways to do so without getting scratched.
Is It Normal For Siamese Cats To Scratch Their Owners?

Scratching is a typical cat behavior, but you should take action if it bothers you. Your cat may scratch you out of playful affection, but getting scratched quite often is not good.
It does not imply that you should punish your cat for scratching you. Keep in mind that scratching is innate to cats.
You need to figure out how to prevent getting scratched by your cat. Also, you must give your cat appropriate objects and surfaces for scratching.
How Do I Get My Siamese Cat To Stop Scratching Me?
Train your cat to scratch on things or surfaces that are more appropriate. Your responsibility is to stop your cat from scratching you and your furniture.
Buy your kitty a cat tree or scratching post. You can construct a DIY scratching platform from wood, used carpet, or sisal fabric.
Your Siamese cat stretches to its full height when scratching. Your kitty will get bored and scratch elsewhere if the scratching post is too short.
Cats often stretch and scratch as soon as they wake up. Put a scratching post close to his preferred napping spot if you want to give him the best of both worlds.
Your cat has favorite scratching spots in your home. Set up the scratching post or pads in any of these spots so he can spend a lot of time scratching there.
Our cats are much more likely to use these scratching objects than us, the couch, or any other furniture.
Thanks for reading! Allow your cat lots of pleasant opportunities to scratch. We owe it to our felines as responsible parents to give them safe ways to act on their natural urges.
Want to immerse yourself more in the captivating world of Siamese cats? I’ve got all the information you need from their distinct color points to their fun personalities: Siamese Cats: Unique Features and Personality
Want to learn more about your Siamese cat’s behavior? We have compiled every information you need to navigate through the fascinating world of Siamese cats: Everything About a Siamese Cat’s Behavior: A Comprehensive Guide