Hissing may seem aggressive, but it is just one way Siamese cats express themselves. It is normal for our cats to hiss, and they do it when someone or something is bugging them.
Siamese cats hiss when they feel threatened, uncomfortable, or scared. They hiss to warn off other cats. They hiss at us to tell us what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior when it comes to them. They also make a hissing sound when they are in pain.
Hissing seems frightening because cats often flash their sharp teeth when they do it. Did you know, though, that hissing serves more as a defensive mechanism than an offensive one?
Hissing does not always mean that our cats are planning to attack us. They hiss to let us or other cats know how they feel most of the time.
Our cats resort to more offensive actions, like biting and scratching, when frustrated. Hissing is a neutral response until they get provoked a little further. They may display aggressive behaviors at this point.
Read on to learn more! This article details why Siamese cats hiss and how to calm them down when they’re hissing a lot.
What Is Cat Hissing?

Cats used to be solitary, but now they have become the most cared-for pets in homes today. Interestingly, their behavior and senses remain almost identical to their wild counterparts. They still display various distinct social behaviors throughout their domesticated lives. One of these behaviors is cat hissing.
A cat hiss is a rapid exhalation of air that travels across a cat’s arched tongue and out of the mouth. It’s a “cat hiss” since its sound resembles a snake’s. Siamese cats usually flatten their ears, pull their lips back, and show their teeth when they hiss. It sounds like a car tire losing air too.
Siamese cats learn to hiss when they are very young. They start learning to hiss when they are still two weeks old. Siamese kittens often hiss with each other during rough play. They hiss to let their sibs know when the situation has become too rude and aggressive.
Also, hissing is common among mother cats. They guide their kittens through the weaning process.
Mother cats hiss at their young to ensure they understand that they’re no longer viable food sources.
Hissing is not usually a sign of aggression. It is a typical behavioral response for cats when something irks them.
Is your Siamese cat hissing more often than usual? Finding the reason behind your cat’s increased hissing is crucial to help him calm down.
Why Is My Siamese Cat Hissing?

Siamese cats use hissing to communicate, like meowing, purring, chattering, and yowling. They often hiss to convey their emotional responses.
Cats can recognize human emotional expressions, according to a recent study. They combine visual and auditory cues from us to know how to respond to human emotions.
Their most common response to alarming expressions and threatening motions is to hiss.
Hissing is a defense mechanism your cat uses to warn or frighten away anyone he perceives to be dangerous. Your cat also hisses and growls as a warning. He also hisses when he feels overwhelmed or stressed out by something alarming.
Siamese cats usually purr when they are happy and relaxed. They hiss when they are uncomfortable.
They ramp up their defenses by hissing until they figure out what is happening. Hissing is their way of ensuring that no one tries to invade their territory. They relax once they grasp the situation.
Batman, my Siamese cat, did something similar. Once, we had a lot of people over, and Batman kept hissing at them while they were in the living area. I mentioned this to my vet. She said my visitors may have brought their pets’ scent. Smelling that scent may have caused Batman to feel uneasy. He raised his defenses, thinking someone was attempting to take over his territory.
Your cat usually hisses when someone or something has made him uncomfortable. Hissing is his warning.
Your cat hisses because he wants you to back off. Make sure to listen and step back if this happens. Stepping back reassures your cat and tells him he can have space at that time.
Hissing is a typical emotional expression of fear among cats.
This situation is sometimes associated with their body language. These include dilated pupils, pinned-back ears, and a flicking tail.
Hissing is part of their responses to the feeling of being unsafe. It is also related to their other negative emotions, such as mistrust and uncertainty.
Your Siamese cat may be anxious when he hisses, especially in new situations. His hissing serves as his defensive weapon.
Hissing is a natural way for cats to communicate fear, but it becomes extreme if their owners punish them.
The hissing behavior of Siamese cats indicates pain sometimes.
I remember my previous cat, Cleo, who hissed when she felt discomfort and pain from arthritis.
Also, there are times that Siamese cats hiss if we touch them in a sensitive patch or injured part of their bodies.
You’ll know your Siamese cat is in pain if he growls or hisses a lot, loses his desire to eat, and gets weak. Your kitty doesn’t want you to pick him up because he’s trying to avoid further pain. Your cat may hiss and flee if he sees you approaching him.
How Do You Calm A Hissing Cat?
Your Siamese cat’s hiss is a form of communication. The best response is to stop what you’ve been doing, step back, and give him some space to calm down. Allow him to have private areas where he can relax and feel secure.
Take your cat to the vet if the hissing seems to have a medical cause. Your vet can thoroughly examine and help find out the reason for his excessive hissing. Do not punish your cat for hissing a lot; instead, figure out the reason and start from there to help your cat calm down.
Thank you so much for reading!
Want to immerse yourself more in the captivating world of Siamese cats? I’ve got all the information you need from their distinct color points to their fun personalities: Siamese Cats: Unique Features and Personality
Want to learn more about your Siamese cat’s behavior? We have compiled every information you need to navigate through the fascinating world of Siamese cats: Everything About a Siamese Cat’s Behavior: A Comprehensive Guide