Have you ever seen a Blue point Siamese cat?
They’re pretty cute. But what do they look like? What’s their personality? How do you take care of them?
These are all good questions that I’ll be answering in this article.
So if you’re curious about these furry felines, read on!
What is a Blue Point Siamese cat?
Blue point Siamese cats possess a silky, velvety coat and deep vivid blue eyes that are almost hypnotizing. They are slim-bodied with long thighs and legs that taper down to short, delicate paws. Its slender frame is complemented by its long nose and wedge-shaped head.
Blue Point Siamese is one of the four recognized colors in the Siamese breed. The other colors are seal point, chocolate point, and lilac point (or frost).
This pointed coloration has the darkest pigment concentrated around the face, ears, legs, and tail, accompanied by lighter body fur.
Blue point Siamese cats are known for their short and fine coats. They have a bluish-white body color with deep blue points. Their nose leather and paw pads appear to be slate-colored. As they get older, their body colors naturally become much darker than when they were young kittens. It may take a year or longer for the color to fully develop its true beauty.
These cats boast an outdoorsy look that’s perfect for those who wish to show off a cat with a bit more personality!
Blue Point Siamese cats are a lot like puppies. They love to play, are full of energy, and are generally very friendly. Unlike their small dog counterparts, Blue Point Siamese cats can be aloof sometimes and may even try to ignore you if they get too tired out from playing earlier in the day!
Treat them well and make sure you’re giving enough attention. But don’t go overboard or they’ll start crawling into your lap whenever you attempt to pay attention to anything else!
Is a blue point Siamese rare?
The blue point Siamese is a natural variant of the much-loved Siamese cat breed that’s been around for centuries. In 1934, it gained recognition thanks to the Cat Fanciers’ Association in America which made its color even more desirable.
A blue point Siamese is a very rare type of Siamese cat. In fact, only a handful of blue point Siamese exist. The blue point coloration is caused by a genetic mutation from parents to kittens. This causes the cat’s points to be a deep blue color. Because of this, blue point Siamese are typically only found in certain bloodlines. While they are not rare enough to be considered endangered, they are definitely a unique and special breed of cats.
They are lovely and have a very calming personality. Not many people have ever seen one in person. They are exceptional cats and are very loved by those who have them.
How much is a blue point Siamese cat?

A blue point Siamese cat typically costs between $500 to $1,000. However, the price can vary depending on the cat’s age and whether the cat is show quality.
When searching for your next Siamese kitten, it’s a good idea to remember that prices can also vary depending on the breeder. Some will charge thousands of dollars, while others may only ask for $500. But beware because this cheap cost could signify something suspicious.
When there is a large discrepancy between the available breeders, you have to question what makes one much more expensive than the other.
How big do Blue Point Siamese get?
The blue point Siamese is a medium-sized cat, typically weighing between 5 and 12 pounds.
However, some Blue Point Siamese can grow larger, with some males reaching up to 20 pounds.
Blue Point Siamese cats are not considered a particularly large cat breed but are still relatively big.
How long do Blue Point Siamese cats live?
On average, Blue Point Siamese cats live between 12 and 15 years. However, some individual cats have been known to live much longer, up to 20 years or more. So, while there is no guarantee that your Blue Point Siamese will have a long life, they certainly have the potential to do so.
Several factors can influence a Blue Point Siamese cat’s lifespan.
1. One of the most important is their diet. A nutritious diet full of all the necessary vitamins and minerals will help to keep your Blue Point Siamese healthy and prevent many common health problems.
It is essential to make sure your cat is getting adequate amounts of protein. Protein helps maintain muscle health, which is essential for an animal that relies on physical activity. It is also vital to ensure your cat gets enough water, as water is necessary for the kidneys and urinary system to function properly.
The majority of commercially available cat food is prepared with low-quality ingredients. Many cat owners mistake feeding their Siamese cats a high carbohydrate diet. This can result in serious health issues for the Siamese, including diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease.
A portion of high-quality cat food is a must for the long-term health of your Siamese cat. The best cat foods are made with fresh meats and fish.
An excellent blue point Siamese cat food is made with high protein and fat. This is necessary to provide the energy your Siamese needs to live a long and healthy life.
2. Many cat owners are under the impression that cats can care for themselves. This, of course, is not true. Some cats do not take care of themselves, and as a result, they are more likely to have health problems than those with regular veterinary care.
If you’re looking to care for your adult cat, it’s important to understand how vital regular trips to the vet are. When you bring your cat in for care, the veterinarian will give them a physical exam, check their teeth, and ensure they have all their immunizations up to date.
It’s imperative to make sure your cat is seen by a veterinarian at least once a year for a checkup. Part of this is that regular veterinary care helps ensure that any illnesses or diseases can be identified and treated early while still manageable. Treating your cat early on can also help avoid the need for more invasive care later.
3. Diet and regular veterinary care alone are not enough.
Regular exercise is also essential for Blue Point Siamese cats. While they are not as active as some other breeds, they still need to get some exercise to stay healthy. An excellent way to provide this is to create an indoor play area full of toys and climbing structures. Playing a fun game of fetch is a great way to get your blue point Siamese cat a fantastic workout while also spending quality time with your cat.
Exercise helps promote the cat’s heart health, muscle tone, and weight. Your Siamese cat may become obese without proper exercise, leading to various health issues, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and joint problems.
Exercise can also help improve blood circulation to the cat’s extremities. In addition, exercise is vital for a Siamese cat’s mental health. It can help the cat to relieve stress and prevent depression.
What kind of exercise is best for a blue point Siamese cat?
There are several ways to provide your blue point Siamese cat with the necessary exercise.
One way is to take your cat outside. If you choose this option, you will need a harness for your cat. However, remember that your cat will probably not be very interested in walking on a leash. If you want your cat to walk on a leash, you may consider buying a harness designed for small animals.
You can also provide your blue point Siamese cat with scratching posts and climbing areas so they can keep in shape. These items can help provide your cat with mental stimulation and physical exercise.
A great way to do this is with a cat tower. Cat towers come in many different sizes and styles, so you should be able to find one that fits well with the decor in your home. If you have multiple cats, I recommend purchasing multiple cat towers so that each cat has their own place to play.
When choosing a cat tower, you should ensure that it is sturdy enough to support the weight of your blue point Siamese cat or cats without tipping over. Many cat towers are too tall for a typical blue point Siamese but fine for young cats as they grow into full height.
How often should you exercise your blue point Siamese cat?
You should play with your Siamese cat for at least 20 minutes per day. This will ensure that your Siamese cat stays healthy and happy. If you cannot play with your Siamese cat for 20 minutes daily, try to schedule two 10-minute play periods each day.
4. Finally, giving your Blue Point Siamese cat plenty of love and attention is essential. They are social creatures that thrive on human interaction. So, make sure to spend quality time with your Blue Point Siamese daily.
Are blue point Siamese good for families?

Because of their easygoing and social nature, Blue Point Siamese are suitable for families. They typically get along well with other pets and children and enjoy being around people. They are also relatively low-maintenance cats, which makes them a good choice for busy families.
Blue Point Siamese have a high energy level, which will keep you and your children entertained. They are also very affectionate towards their owners. Not only that, but they tend to stay close to their owners and will love to keep you company.
I have noticed that my Blue Point Siamese cat is very playful and loves to run around. She is always up for a cuddle and loves to be petted. She also loves to play with her toys and will often bring them to me to show me what she’s been up to. I’ve also noticed that she is curious and loves exploring new things. Overall, she is a very loving and affectionate cat who loves to be around people.
Blue Point Siamese love to be around children, and they get along very well. However, they should still be supervised around toddlers and young children. Blue Point Siamese can be as playful as a kitten, sometimes leading to accidents. An adult should always be present when the Blue Point Siamese is around children.
However, the Blue Point Siamese is not a cat for everyone. They have some major requirements that must be met to be happy cats. The most important thing is for them to have a lot of human interaction. This can be difficult for those who are very busy during the day.
They are also very vocal cats; they will pant, meow, and chatter if they don’t get enough attention from their owners. If they don’t get enough attention, they may even become destructive, and they can start to bite. To be good Blue Point Siamese owners, you will need to be patient, and you will need to make sure that you put in the time with your cat.
If you have a Blue Point Siamese cat, you may also be familiar with the difficulties involved in eliminating urine marking and furniture scratching.
You can try several ideas to stop your cat from peeing on your furniture or scratching it. You can train your cat using positive reinforcement and also with the use of a clicker. Reward your cat for good behavior.
If you see your cat peeing on your furniture, pick him up and take him to the litter box. If he doesn’t use the litter box, consult with a veterinarian.
To stop the scratching, provide something else to scratch, like scratching posts, or give them toys they can play with. Training your cat will take time, but it will be worth it.
Blue Point Siamese Health
Although Blue Siamese cats are generally healthy, some may have genetic health problems. One common issue with this breed is hereditary liver amyloidosis. The disease causes a protein called amyloid to settle in their livers, causing awful lesions and an eventual decline of the organ’s function.
In addition, a few Blue Point Siamese cats have been found to suffer from dilated cardiomyopathy, resulting in their heart muscles becoming enlarged and the cat’s ventricles are becoming weak. However, the breed is less likely than some pedigreed breeds to contract feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which has proved fatal for other cats in the past.
Other health issues seen in Blue Point Siamese include respiratory problems, heart disease, and kidney disease.
Some of the symptoms of respiratory problems include difficulty breathing, wheezing, and coughing.
Some of the symptoms of heart disease include difficulty breathing, fatigue, and sudden weight loss.
Symptoms of kidney disease include increased thirst, increased urination, and weight loss.
If your Blue Point Siamese is exhibiting any of these symptoms, it is essential to take them to the vet right away for treatment.
This article has covered a lot of information on what a Blue Point Siamese cat looks like. While they are rare, they are beautiful and are a favorite of many cat owners. If you are interested in discovering more about these cats, please check out my post on the Blue Point vs. Lilac Point Siamese: 9 Fascinating Differences. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!
Be the Siamese Cat expert you always wish to be! From color points to similar cat breeds, discover everything you need to know about their unique charm and characteristics in our comprehensive guide: Siamese Cat Breed: Types, Color Points and Comparison to Other Cat Breeds