Siamese cats use a unique language to communicate with their fellow cats and us. They communicate through their movements, actions, and vocalizations. They have many messages for us, from meowing and purring to hissing.
I have compiled a list of Siamese cats’ most often-used sounds and their meanings. Read on if you’re curious!
What Sounds Do Siamese Cats Make, And What Do They Mean?
Our felines make various strange sounds, each with a distinct meaning. Here are the cat sounds they make and their associated meanings.
1. Meow
Meow is a familiar routine sound made by cats. They use meow more than any other sound in our experience.
Did you know that adult cats rarely make vocal contact with one another? Meowing to humans is their classic way to get their attention. They learned to meow more when they encountered humans after years of domestication.
The word “meow” means “a representation of cat sound” in an online etymology dictionary. Its spelling depends on where you are in the world. You may see meow worded as meaw, miaow, or even miau. There’s also a verb counterpart to the noun meow. Mew is a verb that means to produce a cat-like sound.
Meowing has different sounds. Listening to a cat’s meow can help us figure out if they’re greeting, demanding, or trying to get our attention.
Your cat wants you to do or give him something. He may want food or some attention.
Your feline friend would like to call your attention and remind you it is almost time for him to eat.
Your cat is saying hello to you and expressing delight in your presence.
Your Siamese cat is unhappy. He wants you to realize that you have made something he disapproves of and wants your attention.
Cats with nocturnal meowing make loud, escalating meows. This kind of meowing continues for long periods during the night. Many cat owners find it troubling that this noise persists until morning.
Siamese cats may meow all evening due to sexual urges, all the more so unspayed female cats in heat. They also meow at night to alert us that they are in distress or pain.
2. Purr
A purr is a soothing, throaty rumbling sound your cat makes when he is happy and content. Your cat makes a low, steady vibrating sound whenever he is amicable and is glad to communicate with you.
3. Hiss
A hiss is a frightened cat sound. It is a sharp, wheezing sound made by your cat when apprehensive or upset.
4. Grunt
A grunt is a short or long low-pitched sound they make to help us understand what they are feeling. A short grunt suggests that he wishes to express his affection for you. A prolonged grunt implies that he is in pain.
5. Yowl
Your cat yowls, which is a long, drawn-out grumble, if he is experiencing pain. Yowling is the cat’s version of crying.
6. Growl
A growl is a low, guttural sound your cat produces when he feels agitated or overstimulated. You can tell they are not in the mood for human interaction if you hear any growling from them.
7. Snarl
A snarl is a fierce growl made by your cat when he is angry and aggressive. The less of this snappy, angry sound you hear, the better.
8. Chatter
Chatter is a sequence of short, high-pitched sounds your cat makes when excited. Cats also chatter when their current level of hunting enthusiasm is high.
9. Trill
Trill is a high-pitched murmur sound made by your cat when sociable. Your cat makes intense, chirping sounds to get your attention and play with you.
10. Chirrup
Chirrup is a series of whispery little trills. Your Siamese cat chirrups when he wants your undivided attention.
11. Caterwaul
Caterwaul is a howling, loud noise your cat makes when he feels scared or disoriented.
Caterwauls are easy to distinguish from other cat sounds. Its sound is distinct from the many other sounds cats make.
Here’s a quick rundown of the sounds your cat makes and their meanings:
How Do Siamese Cats Say Hi To Each Other?

You might not know this, but cats rarely vocalize any friendly gesture when saying hi to other cats. John Bradshaw noted in his book that cats prefer to meow at humans more than other animals. He is an anthrozoologist who wrote “Cat Sense: How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet.”
Cats say hello through body language or nonverbal cues more often than meowing.
There are many different ways for them to greet one another. They use gestures such as sniffing, touching noses, and headbutting one another.
They massage each other’s faces when they already know each other. They also hiss or growl if a stranger cat enters their territory or is unfamiliar to them.
1. They sniff, play, and groom one another.
Siamese cats say hello to one another by sniffing. They use their sense of smell to check if the other cat is snacking and playing with the same things they have.
This method is how they get details about the other cats. They sniff the air around them and listen to their breathing sounds.
Cats often greet each other by sniffing, demonstrating their friendliness while still being cautious. They check the other cat’s tail position to determine the feline’s aggressiveness.
They break into a game of tag once they see that none are aggressive. The moment they realize none of them are giving hostile looks, they chase each other around the room.
They snuggle after working up a good sweat to sleep without feeling overcautious. They also groom one another when their moods are pretty similar. They also cozy up close to each other after playing for quite a while.
2. They sniff and then walk away.
There are times when cats say hello, pause to sniff for a few seconds, and then proceed to walk. Experts said that cats have different vibes depending on their personality and age.
3. They touch their noses.
Cats familiar with each other say hello by approaching and kissing nose-to-nose. They rub each other’s noses, touch each other’s muzzles, and then decide to lick.
4. They headbutt each other.
Siamese cats have excellent senses of smell. They can tell from the scent of the other cats if they are already familiar. They move close and headbutt each other as soon as they establish familiarity.
5. They pamper each other and make facial rubbing motions.
Siamese cats say hello to their fellow house cats by rubbing each other’s faces. They are at ease with each other because they have spent much time together.
Those familiar with one another spend more time rubbing each other’s faces. They massage each other’s faces and cuddle each other.
6. They make a hissing or growling sound.
Siamese cats are keen observers of their peer group’s body language. They carry out routine behaviors like wiggling their tails. They also take a whiff before getting too close. They are cautious around cats who are unfamiliar to them.
They check the tails and sniff first before approaching the cats, with whom they must be cautious. They look for further cues on their way to them. These cues include arching the back, exposing the belly, or changing facial expressions. He uses these to determine whether the cat is a potential danger.
They hiss or growl as their warning to whom they see as strangers and intruders in their space.
How Do Siamese Cats Say Hello To Humans?

Receiving the adoring interest of our feline companions is an enjoyable experience. A simple hello from them can make our day pleasant and influence our mood.
Siamese cats use a variety of approaches when it comes to saying hello to us. They meow, rub their heads against us, or nuzzle and play on our feet to greet us. They also give slow blinks or wave their tails to say hello.
My cat Robyn runs to welcome me when I get home and inspects my shoes and any bag or pouch I hold. This technique is her way of greeting me and investigating my whereabouts simultaneously.
Batman is the talkative and loud one. He meows at me a lot and follows me around the house, hoping I will snuggle or pet him.
Batman often greets me with endless chatter. He is somewhat like a child telling his mother about his day’s activities.
Robyn is more cautious than Batman in how she welcomes and greets guests. She lurks nearby, watches the visitors, then meows at them while keeping a safe distance.
Batman makes low-pitched meows the instant our guests enter our home. Yes, Batman sure is the cat’s definition of Mr. Congeniality. He gets very animated whenever we have visitors.
Batman likes to accommodate anyone who wishes to interact with him. He meows and stays near our guests, waiting for them to call his name.
Cats are solitary creatures, so when they do make an effort to come over and say hello to us, it is pretty impressive!
Siamese cats greet humans in the following ways:
1. They say “hello” by meowing.
Siamese cats often greet humans with a brief “meow” or “mew.” Meowing is their means of letting their humans know that they are happy with their presence.
Your Siamese cat will start following you around after greeting you. He will meow at you in an “I am here” way to tell you he is there. The tone of your cat’s meow and purr can reveal how happy he is to see you.
Your cat will continue meowing until he gets your attention. He wants to let you know that he is available for some chat or interaction.
2. They rub their heads, cheeks, and bodies against us.
Cats have scent glands on top of their head. They also have scent glands around their cheeks and the base of their tails. They rub their heads, cheeks, and bodies toward us to leave behind pheromones.
Siamese cats become acquainted with the people they leave pheromones on. Leaving scent glands gives them a sense of security.
Cats like to give their humans soft head rubs whenever they can. Allorubbing is the term for this particular kind of rubbing.
3. They stomp, nuzzle, or otherwise play on their feet.
The majority of Siamese cats have playful personalities. They are always eager to engage in interactive play with their owners.
They can not sit tight to see their humans come home and will swat at their feet right away to say hello. They are letting their owners know that they have been thinking about them.
Cats play on their feet because they want to spend some quality time with their owners.
Your Siamese cat may steamroll or nuzzle your feet to let you know he is ready to play. He thinks of you as one of his best friends if he likes to play on your feet.
4. They give us that mesmerizing slow blink.
Cats have a unique way of interacting with their human families. One of those ways is through a slow blink. This blink shows that the cat is happy and feels secure in the home.
Your cat’s “slow blink” is his means of saying “hello,” “I love you,” or “I miss you.” You can call this captivating slow blink as your cat kisses.
Our cats’ slow blinking is a super sweet gesture. I call it a “hello from them with love.”
5. They make noises that sound like chirping and cooing.
Siamese cats get excited and enthusiastic when their owners come back home. They know they will receive affection upon their entrance based on their routine.
Your cat will start chirping and cooing when he feels excited to see you. It’s your cat’s version of high-pitched meowing to show how delighted he is.
6. They wave or swish their tails to say “hey” or “hello.”
Cats communicate by moving their tails. They also use their ears and adopt various other postures to communicate.
Your cat’s tail wags because he is happy to see you again. A wagging tail that moved from the base shows how excited he is.
Cats also have scent glands at the bottom of their tails. They swish their tails on your feet to greet you, leave pheromones, and express love.
Do you often see your Siamese cat come up to you with his tail pointed up and tip quivering? Good news! Your cat is saying hello to you and letting you know how happy he is to see you.
Want to immerse yourself more in the captivating world of Siamese cats? I’ve got all the information you need from their distinct color points to their fun personalities: Siamese Cats: Unique Features and Personality