Most people want to ensure that their indoor kitty remains just that. After all, outdoor cats are at risk of danger due to their exposure to predators and accidents. Pet owners should take precautions to keep their cats safe.
If you have a Siamese cat, I have great news! Cat experts worldwide identified this breed as an indoor cat.
Siamese cats are very social and affectionate towards their owners. Besides being loving and friendly, they are also curious and intelligent.
They thrive on human interaction. That’s why they are perfect for households where someone is home most of the time.
Of course, every cat is different. Read on to help you decide whether your Siamese cat is suitable for indoor or outdoor living!
Are Siamese Cats Happier Indoors or Outdoors?
It depends on the individual cat’s personality and preferences. Some cats enjoy having the freedom to roam and explore outdoors. Others prefer the safety and comfort of being indoors.
Although cats enjoy chasing real mice and birds, they can be just as content playing with catnip mice. Likewise, cat trees are as appealing to cats as real trees.
The best way to determine what makes your cat happy is to experiment and see how they respond.
I have a cat who is always happier indoors than outdoors. She was a tiny little kitten when I first got her, and she loved to explore. She would run outside, play in the dirt, and then come back inside and nap in her little bed. She started to prefer staying inside as she grew older.
Now, Robyn loves to curl up on her favorite spot on the couch or sleep in the sunbeam coming through the window. She greets me at the door when I come home and is always happy to see me. She knows she is safe and loved, so she prefers to stay in.
Is it Cruel Not to Let Your Siamese Cat Outside?
A lot of people think it’s cruel to keep cats indoors. They think that this decreases the quality of their lives. But that’s not true! Indoor cats can have as good of a life as any other cat, especially if you set up their home right.
There are plenty of good reasons to keep your cat indoors. These include safety, health, and happiness. Here are a few of the top reasons to keep your feline friend indoors:
1. Cats who spend their lives indoors live much longer than those who only go outside.
Outdoor cats tend to live three to five years, while indoor cats can live up to twenty years. This difference is because indoor cats are not exposed to the same dangers as outdoor cats. They also have better veterinary care access.
2. If you’re worried about your kitty getting hit by a car, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Indoor cats are much safer from this fate. Outdoor cats are at risk of being struck, even if they’re very savvy about street life. Cars hit cats at alarming rates; the injuries are severe, even if the cat survives.
3. Outdoor cats often fight with other animals, which can lead to injuries or abscesses. Plenty of other intact cats outside can also cause trouble even if your cat is already neutered or spayed.
4. If your cat stays indoors, he is less likely to get sick from a disease that other outdoor cats may have.
There are many diseases that cats can contract from being outdoors, some of which can be deadly. For example, feline leukemia is a virus spread through contact with an infected cat’s saliva. Infected cats can appear healthy for years, so it’s not always obvious that they’re carrying the disease.
Even if your cat is vaccinated against this virus, it is still at risk of other diseases from being outdoors.
5. You can rest easy knowing that your cat reduces its exposure to parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms.
6. Indoor cats are at an advantage when it comes to diet. You can control what an indoor cat eats more than an outdoor cat. If your cat goes outdoors, you have no idea what kind of food he’s eating or where it came from.
7. People out there take pleasure in harming animals, and your cat could be an easy target if left outdoors. Keeping your cat indoors will protect them from harm, even if you say you live in a safe neighborhood.
8. The danger of poisoning is a major reason to keep your cat indoors. Cats are curious creatures and often put their noses where they shouldn’t. This can lead to them ingesting poisonous substances. Even something as innocuous as a houseplant can be dangerous to a cat if they eat it.
9. Cats are natural predators, but are also prey for many other animals like coyotes and hawks. Keeping your cat indoors can help to protect them from becoming a meal for another animal.
10. If your cat is indoors, you can check its health and ensure it gets the care it needs. If your cat is outdoors, it may be more difficult to notice signs of illness or injury. Likewise, you may not be able to get your cat to the vet as fast as possible.
Is it Cruel to Keep an Outdoor Cat Indoors?

No, it is not cruel to keep an outdoor cat indoors. In fact, it is often the best thing for the cat’s safety and well-being.
Follow these few steps if you want your cat to transition from an outdoor to an indoor lifestyle.
1. Take your cat to the vet for a check-up and vaccinations and to start her on flea control. This will help to ensure that your feline friend is healthy and won’t bring any unwanted guests into your home.
2. Consider getting your cat microchipped while you’re at the vet. That’ll make it easier to find him if he escapes. Also, consider spaying or neutering your cat.
3. It’s normal for your cat to relieve themselves outdoors. But that won’t be the case when they’re living with you indoors. I’m sure you’ll be much happier with a litter box for your cat.
The best way to introduce a cat to a litter box is to make the setup as appealing and obvious as possible.
Fill the box with unscented, soft litter that resembles what the cat would use outdoors.
It may be necessary to start with a sand and dirt mixture, so the cat understands what the litter box is for. Once the cat is comfortable, you can gradually add scoopable litter.
4. A cat who spends its time outdoors is likely to have very sharp claws. It scratches on whatever it pleases, so make sure there’s a good, sturdy scratching post available. Otherwise, she might start scratching on your furniture or other household items.
You may consider getting a cat tree or climbing structure to give her a place to explore and exercise her claws.
I was at the pet store, looking at all the cat trees and trying to figure out which one would be best for my Siamese cat. Robyn loves to climb and explore, and I wanted to give her a safe place to do that. I finally decided on a cat tree with many different levels and scratching posts.
I bought it home, set it up in the living room, and waited to see what she would do.
She looked at it at first and meowed. She wondered what it was and why it was there. I encouraged her to explore it, and she finally started to climb. She loved it, and she played on it for hours!
5. Give your cat some time to adjust before petting or picking her up. She needs to feel secure to develop trust with you. Use interactive playtime to engage her in fun activities that won’t overwhelm her.
6. You’ll want to take some steps to “cat-proof” your home. This means ensuring there are no small spaces where your cat can get stuck. Always ensure there are no poisonous plants and no electrical cords within reach.
7. You can create a safe “outdoor” experience for your cat indoors. You will need to set up a comfortable and safe space for them in your home.
You can do this by setting up a catio, or cat enclosure, indoors. This will allow your cat to enjoy the outdoors without being exposed to the dangers outside.
8. Outdoor cats are natural hunters and love to chase prey. You can maximize your cat’s indoor enrichment by simulating hunting and chasing at home. Set up a small area with hiding spots and toys your cat can stalk and chase.
How Long Does it Take an Outdoor Cat to Become an Indoor Cat?
It can take some time for an outdoor cat to get used to being an indoor cat. It may take a few days or even a week or two for the cat to feel comfortable in its new surroundings.
This is because outdoor cats have a lot more space to roam and explore and may not be used to being around people as much.
It’s best to talk to your veterinarian first to get some tips on making the transition as smooth as possible.
Do Cats Need to Go Outside to be Happy?

No, cats do not need to go outside to be happy. While some cats enjoy going outside for a stroll, most prefer to stay indoors.
Cats are very independent creatures. They are capable of finding ways to amuse themselves indoors. They will be happy if they have a comfortable place to sleep and access to food and water. Add some toys or other forms of stimulation to the picture, and they’ll be fine.
What is the Best Breed of Cat To Keep Indoors?
1. Persian
Persian cats are docile and affectionate, making them great companions. They also have a very low activity level, so they won’t be running around the house and knocking things over.
They don’t need much space, so they’re perfect for small homes or apartments. Persian cats are also quiet, so they won’t disturb your peace and quiet at home.
2. Singapura
The Singapura cat is a friendly and loveable pet that enjoys being the center of attention. They are small in size but have a big personality and love to explore the world around them. They make great companions and are always there to welcome your guests.
3. Burmese
The Burmese is the ideal house cat for those who want a friendly and tolerant pet. They love company and do best with another cat if their human companions can’t be there all the time.
4. Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair is a beautiful cat with the same loving and gentle personality as a Persian. Still, with a soft, short coat that is easy to groom. They are the perfect indoor pet for someone who wants a lap cat that is always happy to play and cuddle. They have a soft voice and rarely make a noise. They love attention and will sit in front of people and gaze up, begging to be picked up and loved.
5. Sphynx
Hairless cats may not be everyone’s favorite. However, the Sphynx’s endearing personality has won the breed a loyal following. These kitties should be kept inside and shielded from extreme temperatures. Their skin needs regular cleansing to get rid of built-up body oils.
6. Himalayan
Himmies are perfect indoor cat companions because they are gentle, calm, and sweet-tempered. They also have a playful side, which makes them even more fun to be around.
7. Ragdoll
Docile, mild-mannered, and friendly, Ragdolls make great indoor pets. One of the best things about these cats is their laid-back, sweet personalities. They love being around people and are happy to sit quietly next to you while you work or watch TV. They’ll curl up beside you if you’ve had a rough day to give you a comforting hug.
8. Asian-Smoke
Asian Smokes are one of the most social breeds of cats. They love nothing more than spending time with their human companions. They are content to be kept as indoor cats as long as they have plenty of toys and things to keep them amused.
9. Havana
Havana is a gentle, playful cat who enjoys an indoor life. They are known for their independent nature, but they also love to be around people. They will often follow their owner around the house. They are an active breed and love to play games. They are also very affectionate and often seek out their owner for cuddles.
10. British Shorthair
The British Shorthair is a strong and endearing breed of cat that loves to lounge around indoors. It also enjoys spending time outside now and then. They are known for their hunting skills, which they use from time to time.
11. Australian Mist
The Australian Mist is a loving and joyful cat perfect for families with children. They are also loyal and low-maintenance companions for less active pet owners.
12. Peterbald
The Peterbald is a new breed that originated in Russia. It is a cross between an Oriental Shorthair and a Donskoy. Peterbalds have varying coats, from completely hairless to fine, soft, or bristly texture. Hairless or thin-coated Peterbalds are better for indoor living due to the lack of fur protection.
It’s up to you whether you keep your indoor cat indoors or let them free in the yard. You should know the advantages and disadvantages of each option to decide what’s best for your cat.
Be the Siamese Cat expert you always wish to be! From color points to similar cat breeds, discover everything you need to know about their unique charm and characteristics in our comprehensive guide: Siamese Cat Breed: Types, Color Points and Comparison to Other Cat Breeds