Catfights are inevitable. Our cats usually get along well. But they fight over something big or small every once in a while.
The problem is both cats might end up hurting each other if their fight turns violent.
Your cats could injure each other and anybody who comes near if you overlook their fighting. You will need to end the catfight as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Read on as I detail 29 tips on how to break up fighting cats without putting anyone in danger.
1. Get some hints first about why they are fighting.
Scan the area to discover why you have squabbling cats. They’re in a fight for territory if there are no things, such as water or food bowls or toys.
Knowing the sole reason for their fight can help you plan what to do next to calm them down.
Siamese cats like the company of other cats in their territory, but only when it’s on their terms.
There’s a big chance they will have this kind of fight if there’s a newcomer in the group. Their Alpha tendencies arise, and they want to fight over the territory.
Robyn is somewhat territorial and always wants to fight with my other cat, Batman.
Robyn is a female Siamese cat. She gets aggressive quickly when in rough play with my other cats.
I noticed that most female cats are more territorial than male cats.
2. Do not intervene physically the moment you see them fight.
Avoid physical contact while your cats are still clashing in the room. Their fight could escalate quickly. There’s a big chance that you will only get bitten by one of your cats.
Your cats might redirect their aggression toward you if you choose to meddle.
3. Clap your hands loudly while making an unusual noise.
Your cats will get startled and part ways to hide away when they hear the claps and noise. They separate instantly to position themselves in case the “threat” comes near. They are in a fighting mood, but they remain cautious about other threats around them.
4. Distract them by tossing toys toward them.
Tossing toys is usually effective when my cats’ rough play turns into a brutal fight. I toss their favorite toys one at a time.
I tossed Batman’s favorite flopping fish toy and Robyn’s ripple rug play mat when they fought yesterday.
I also tried putting catnip on their favorite toys before tossing them. It worked wonders. The fight ended, and Robyn grabbed her brownish rug and found another spot to play.
5. Bang two pans if they’re particularly noisy fighting.
Banging pans can do the trick if hands clapping does not work on them. You can also find another alternative for pans. Choose things that make a sound, like the banging pans.
6. Throw goodies and treats so they will start calming down.
Treats won’t likely disappoint since our cats cannot resist having them. Throw the treats once the fight starts deescalating already. There are times that cats can’t spot the treats you threw since they’re in fighting mode.
7. Shake your piggy bank or a tin can half-filled with coins or small toys.
This method will catch your cats’ attention. It has a distinct sound, and our cats find it threatening to hear such unusual sharp noises. They will most likely separate and run away.
8. Separate them with the help of a blanket or used clothing.
Gently toss the blanket over one of your cats.
Wrap the blanket around the cat and calmly carry him back into his room or space. Your cat will feel relaxed with the blanket’s familiar and comforting scent.
9. Put cardboard between the cats.
Place a large piece of cardboard between the cats, so they have no choice but to separate. This soft but solid board serves as a barrier to deter their fight. Having a physical barrier between them increases the likelihood of stopping the conflict.
10. Don’t hit your cats.

Hitting may be the easiest way for many to separate fighting cats, but it shouldn’t be. Hitting is bad for our cats’ health. Even a slight whap of a broom or wooden stick can jeopardize their health.
Though it may seem natural to use force to stop a catfight, it is never acceptable. Separating fighting cats involves hitting for some, but this should never be the case.
Hitting may be the most convenient way to separate fighting cats, but you should not do it. Hitting is harmful to our cats’ health.
Do not hit your cats in the face or body. Even a light hit with a broom or wooden stick can jeopardize their well-being.
10. Get the kids out of the area.
Don’t let your kids see the fight. Get them out of the area and ensure they can’t come in to see what’s happening. Let them know they should not be near fighting cats because the felines might scratch or bite them.
11. Don’t let your dog come near the area where your cats are fighting.
Close the door, so your other pets can’t come near the area.
Your dog might join the fight if he is near the fighting scene. You can’t let your other pets come near the area even if you see that they are feeling calm and relaxed.
12. Use a spray bottle to distract and separate them.
Fill up an empty spray bottle with clean water. Use a clean bottle that never contained bleach, disinfectant, or other chemical products.
Aim the spray bottle at both cats. Level the bottle’s nozzle at them. Spray two to four times. Your cats will run and end the fight once they see the sight of the spray.
Keep a safe distance away as you do this. Do not get too close since you might get bitten or scratched. Your cats will saunter off and end the fight. They’ll be busy grooming themselves.
13. Do not rush to pick up any cats immediately.
Do not immediately grab one of the cats. Keep your hands off the cats for a moment. They will only scratch or bite you if you try to grab one cat and move him away from the scene. Do not reach, even if the cat has such a friendly disposition. It will not make you completely immune to your cat’s aggressiveness.
14. Use a hose to spray water if the fight occurs outside.
You can use a hose to separate them if the fight occurs in your yard. Make sure the water is less forceful. It could frighten your cats, which is not what we want. The goal here is to separate them to end their fight.
15. Use a broom to separate the two cats physically.
This way is usually effective if the catfight has yet to escalate. You can use the broom inside the house when doing this method. Make sure that the broom does not have any sharp parts. Check if there are pointy objects attached to it. Jagged objects might hurt your cats when you separate them.
16. Never throw anything hard at your cats.
Avoid throwing hard things at your cats. That is far too violent. There are other more effective ways you can stop them from fighting. The ones that work best involve diverting their attention.
Hitting them with hard and heavy objects is less effective than other methods. Distracting them is the most effective strategy.
17. Never strike your cats with any sharp and pointy objects.
Never use a sharp or pointy object to poke or throw at your cats. Disciplining them in this manner is unacceptable. It is way too dangerous. Your cats will not pull back and calm down if they see you throwing something dangerous.
18. Do not pet your cats right after they have been fighting.
Refrain from petting the cats following the catfight. They seem relaxed, but their nerves are still frazzled. They still feel agitated.
Petting your cat too soon may only provoke an aggressive response.
There’s a high chance your cat will lash at you if you start petting one of them without giving them some space first. It is best to wait a little before petting or playing with them.
19. Put the squabbling cats in their separate rooms.
Put your cats in different rooms for the interim when they already feel welcome and at ease. Check their body language to see if they have calmed down before engaging with them. You can introduce one cat at a time to their room when they have calmed down.
20. Do not punish the cats.
It would be best if you did not punish your cats. To punish them is to disturb their well-being. Do not ever punish your cat for being aggressive toward another cat.
Punishment can make your cats act even worse when they feel scared or angry. Also, they may feel different about you due to the punishment. Negative reinforcement can only exacerbate anxious or aggressive tendencies.
21. Give your cats space once they have separated.

Please do not attempt to reassure your cats after you separate them. Give them space and time to compose themselves and self-regulate before you intervene.
Your feline friends can calm down and recover from their intense emotions. Respect their own space and time first after they have established their territories.
22. Do not ignore their fight.
Our cats can not settle disputes by using violence. Do not disregard or ignore their fight. The longer you overlook the fight, the more strained the bond between your cats will become.
Do not let your cats keep fighting. Do not wait for the fight to escalate since they might slash and injure each other.
23. Do not get in the middle of the feuding felines.
Please do not go in the middle of your cats fighting. You will end up with scratches and bites if you meddle. The most effective way is to divert their attention with an alarming sound or motion. They will not be able to keep their attention on the fight if you do it this way.
24. Do not kick your cats.
Avoid using your legs and feet in the vain hope that they will separate. The goal should only be to separate, and you can use large objects that can act as a barrier in the task.
25. Learn the signs that a catfight is about to happen.
You can stop them from fighting when they are about to start this way. Telltale signs include loud hissing from both of them and an arched back position.
You can prepare some items as distractions if you know how to predict when cats will fight. It will prevent the catfight from reaching a more aggressive stage.
26. Stomp your feet like you’re dancing.
The sound of the stomping will startle your cats. They will choose to hide away if they hear the threatening sound.
It might be awkward, but it was effective when I tried it on Batman and Robyn.
27. Grab your cat by the scruff.
Grab one cat by the scruff if they are stuck together. Do this carefully so that your cats will not get startled and swipe you. It will give your cat no choice but to let the other cat go.
28. Consider spaying or neutering.
These procedures make cats feel less territorial. They won’t feel the need to roam around outside. They will need to have a high spirit to get into fights on other cats’ turf well.
29. Check your cats’ bodies once they have calmed down.
Thoroughly check their faces, ears, paws, and bodies. See if there are any injuries or bald spots. Check their eyes too. Their eyes become the usual target when they are fighting. Consult your vet if you see any injuries on their face or body.
Thank you for reading!
We gathered all the health tips tailored toward maintaining your Siamese cat’s optimal well-being. Check it out here: Siamese Cat Health: A Complete Guide