Popular culture often portrays cats as aloof, independent, and mysterious. It’s no wonder that people have many questions about them – including whether they know their owner’s voice.
It turns out that cats are more observant than we give them credit for. They can recognize their owner’s voice, and they may even be able to understand some human words.
Siamese cats, for example, are great at sensing when their owners are in the vicinity. Their keen sense of hearing makes it easier for them to know their owner’s voice. They will run to their owner and look for them if they hear their voice.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the research on this topic and see what it can tell us about our feline friends.
Do Cats Know Their Owner’s Voice?
Researchers played the owner’s and a stranger’s voices to twenty cats in a 2013 study. The cats were more responsive to the sound of their owner’s voice. The cats also showed an orienting response when they heard their voice, such as head and ear movements.
This suggests that cats can recognize and respond to the voice of the person they are closest to.
Do Siamese Cats Like Hearing Their Owner’s Voice?
Most cats appear to enjoy hearing their owner’s voice. For example, cats purr when their owners speak to them in a comforting, relaxing tone. Plus, many cats will meow back when their owners talk to them. This indicates that they are paying attention and trying to communicate.
Why Do Siamese Cats Ignore You When You Call Them?
Your cat may or may not choose to come to you when you call his name. Great, if it does! You’ve won its attention for the moment. Don’t take it personally if it doesn’t. After all, cats aren’t people, and they don’t always feel like responding to our requests.
There are a few reasons your Siamese cat might ignore you when you call it.
1. Cats have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. However, they were never bred or trained to listen and obey like dogs.
They’re not wired to respond to human commands in the same way that dogs are.
2. Cats are independent creatures who like to do things their own way. They often ignore their humans when they’re trying to get their attention.
I tried to get the attention of Robyn, who was sitting on the couch. I waved my hand and called her name, but she looked at me with a bored expression. I tried meowing at her, but she only gave me a weird look and walked away.
I started to feel a little hurt and rejected. However, I realized that she was only a cat. She was probably tired from playing all day and not in the mood to respond.
3. It could be that the cat feels more comfortable when you call it by its name rather than a generic term like “cat” or “kitty.”
4. It’s possible that your cat is distracted and not actually ignoring you. They might not hear you calling their name if something else already caught its attention.
5. Cats are sensitive to sound, and your voice may be too loud or shrill for their liking.
What Tone of Voice Do Cats Like?
How you speak to your cat can affect their mood and behavior, according to experts. It might be helpful to pay attention to the tone of voice you use when you talk to your cat and if you want to get on his or her good side.
Here are some tips on what kind of tone of voice to use with your cat, based on what you want to achieve:
It’s best to avoid using a harsh or commanding voice with Siamese cats, as they will either ignore you or become frightened.
Every cat has individual preferences. Some will respond better to certain types of voices than others. So experiment a little and see what works best for your feline friend.
What Do Siamese Cats Hear When Humans Talk?

Cats hear a range of frequencies that differ from what we hear. They can hear sounds at a higher frequency than humans, which is why they can sometimes hear things that we can’t.
Do Cats Like When You Baby Talk to Them?
Some cats enjoy it when their
owners baby talk to them, as it is a sign of affection. Cats can be very responsive to high-pitched voices, so baby talk may sound like music to their ears.
Robyn loves it when I talk to her in a baby voice. She always comes running when she hears me start to speak in that high-pitched tone.
She knows that talking to her like that means I’m in a good mood and feeling playful. She loves to be the center of attention and often starts purring and rubbing against me.
Sometimes, if I’m in a good mood, I’ll even let her sit on my lap and give her a little head scratch.
Why Do We Talk in Baby Voices to Cats?
We may not even realize we’re doing it, but many of us tend to talk in a higher-pitched, singsong voice when we’re around cats. One theory is that we instinctively treat them like babies. After all, they are small, vulnerable, and dependent on us for their needs.
Speaking in a higher-pitched voice makes us sound more gentle and nurturing – like we’re cooing at a baby. Talking in a baby voice is one way of showing our cats that we love and care for them.
It’s a way of showing them that we’re friendly and not a threat. Baby talk lets them know that we’re not looking to harm them.
Why is it Good to Talk to Your Siamese Cat?

Sure, you might think your cat doesn’t care about anything you have to say – but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to them! There are plenty of good reasons to have a conversation with your feline friend on a regular basis.
1. It will help you to bond with your feline friend.
Cats are very good at picking up on social cues. They will learn to trust and enjoy your company if you take the time to talk to them. This will help you create a strong bond with your pet that will last a lifetime.
2. It can help you understand your cat.
Talking to your cat can help you better understand their needs and wants. You can better understand what they’re trying to tell you by communicating with them. This can help you give them the care they need and strengthen your relationship.
3. Talking to your cat can help reduce stress and even be therapeutic.
Talking to your cat can actually help reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that spending a few minutes talking to a pet can help lower cortisol levels. It can also improve your mood. Take a break and chat with your cat if you’re feeling stressed.
4. It can help you relax.
Talking to your cat can help you relax and feel calmer. Pets can have a calming effect on people, so talking to your cat can help you wind down and feel more relaxed.
5. It will help them behave better.
A bored or frustrated cat will act out in undesirable ways. They might scratch furniture or meow excessively. You can help reduce these problem behaviors by talking to them and engaging their minds.
6. It can also be a way to help train your cat and get them used to your voice and presence.
By talking to your cat in a soft, friendly voice, you can help them learn to trust you and feel comfortable around you.
How to Train a Siamese Cat to Respond to Voice Command
Voice commands can be a great way to get your cat’s attention and get them to do what you want. With patience and practice, you can teach your cat to respond to simple voice commands like “come” and “sit.”
Here are a few tips to get you started:
You’ll be able to teach your cat some basic voice commands with time and effort.
Cats are intelligent and skilled at using their senses. They’re able to sense their environment and hear their owner’s voice. Even if your cat doesn’t recognize your voice, he might still recognize the tone of your voice.
Cats seem to like hearing the tone of their owner’s voices, with a higher tone often being better. Perhaps cats associate high notes with food, play, or something positive.
Want to immerse yourself more in the captivating world of Siamese cats? I’ve got all the information you need from their distinct color points to their fun personalities: Siamese Cats: Unique Features and Personality