Heartworm disease may not seem to be a problem where you live. But this may be more common in your local area than you think.
Siamese cats can get heartworms. It is far less common in cats, because they are not usual hosts for heartworms. But it does happen. And, if cats suffer from heartworm disease, it can be more severe than dogs.
The American Heartworm Society had a survey on feline heartworm disease. According to the group, 5-15% of adult shelter cats have heartworm infections.
From one year to the next, infection rates change a lot. Several reasons have led to this. Factors include more heartworm-carrying animals like dogs and mosquitoes in the local area. Also, heartworm disease is most common when it is hot and humid outside.
As a mother of Siamese cats, I always worried about heartworm disease. My research showed that my precious kitties could get this disease, although it is rare. It seems like the best way to go is prevention.
Thank goodness! As owners, we can do a few things to keep our cuddly felines safe from heartworms! Aye! I want to share some information I have gleaned with you. Heartworms aren’t familiar, but they’re something to be aware of, for sure, as a Siamese cat owner.
This blog post will answer the most asked questions about cat heartworm infection. Keep reading and learn how to protect your sweet Siamese kitty from this dangerous disease.
What are the symptoms of heartworms in Siamese cats?
Eight out of ten cats with heartworms do not show any signs, says the VCA Animals website. They will not have any symptoms until the adult heartworms inside them die. The remaining 20% of cats have symptoms and signs.
Keep an eye out for these cautionary signs and symptoms:
Common symptoms:
In severe cases:
If you notice or observe any of these signs, it could mean your Siamese cat has heartworm disease. Don’t think twice about calling your vet. Better be safe than sorry!
Are heartworms visible?

Heartworms are not visible to the naked eye. They are different from the other visible parasites that Siamese cats often get. In cats, heartworms do not live in the digestive system. You will not find them in your cat’s poop either.
Only the heartworm symptoms are visible. You cannot see heartworms because they live inside the heart and pulmonary arteries. They live in the bloodstream. Heartworms move around through the blood.
Advanced X-ray imaging and ultrasound are some ways to see heartworms. Adult heartworms are long and can be anywhere from 4 to 14 inches long. Heartworms look like cooked spaghetti.
Are heartworms painful for Siamese cats?
Heartworms are long, thin worms that live and grow in the arteries that travel from the heart to the lungs. The worms may not hurt when they move through the Siamese cat’s body. But because they cause inflammation in the body, cats can feel pain, discomfort, and stress.
Most of the time, Siamese cats have the most trouble with dead heartworms. As they break down and die, they let out toxic substances. These toxins can cause pain, damage to organs, and breathing problems. Heartworms can also hurt a Siamese cat’s heart and lungs, which can be extra painful.
Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial if you want your cat to be safe and healthy. Take your Siamese cat to the vet now if you suspect it has heartworms.
How do heartworms get into Siamese cats?
Heartworms can spread to your Siamese cat from a mosquito bite. Mosquito bites can send the heartworm larvae into the cat’s bloodstream. Heartworms can kill your cat. This is serious stuff. Heartworms send toxins through the blood which then reaches the heart.
We may think outdoor cats are more likely to get sick from heartworms than indoor cats, right? But Siamese cats who stay inside are also at risk. Mosquitoes can still find their way into our houses through the doors and windows.
Heartworm disease can spread when infected dogs move to places they have never been before. For example, abandoned and stray dogs may carry heartworms. Mosquitoes are agents of the heartworm’s life cycle.
Mosquitoes get young worms when a mosquito bites a heartworm-infected dog. They consume the dogs’ blood. Then, when an infected mosquito bites a Siamese cat, the infected larvae lands on your cat’s skin. The infectious larvae get in your Siamese cat’s body through the bite.
Heartworms can live in Siamese cats for two to three years. Since these worms can live for a long time, cats can get more heartworms every time a mosquito bites them.
How dangerous is heartworm in cats?
Heartworms can be harmful. Even if your Siamese cat only has a few worms, it can still be very sick. The number of parasites on it are still high enough for your cat’s small body size to contain.
Heartworms may weaken a Siamese cat’s immune system. It can make your cat feel like he or she can’t breathe. Also, it can make your cat throw up a lot.
Heartworms may spread to your Siamese cat’s brain and spinal cord, among other places. It may also hurt the eyes and sometimes make a Siamese cat blind.
Adult heartworms pose a severe threat. Even a few adult heartworms can threaten your Siamese cat’s life.
Heartworm infection can damage your Siamese cat’s heart. It can also cause bleeding in your cat’s lungs. The lungs tend to take the most damage.
Is there a heartworm treatment for cats?
Heartworm disease in cats is currently incurable. But your vet can give your cat medicine to help ease the symptoms and make your Siamese cat feel better. The potent medications used to treat heartworm infection in dogs can be lethal to cats.
Some heartworm infections recover on their own. The main reason is that Siamese cats are not gracious hosts for heartworms. Yet, heartworm infections in cats can cause respiratory problems.
Most of the time, heartworm treatment depends on symptoms. Surgery can sometimes remove adult heartworms. But this operation is risky. A vet I know told me it is much better to keep our cats from getting heartworms than wait until they need treatment.
How can I keep my cat from getting heartworm?

Cat owners should take some preventative measures to keep felines from getting sick. Especially when it comes to heartworms. Heartworm infection is a severe parasitic disease that can kill not only dogs, but also cats.
The good news is Siamese cats can avoid heartworm disease. You can do these steps to protect your cat from this life-threatening disease:
1. Keep your Siamese cat’s immune system healthy and strong.
We want our Siamese kitties to not be sick for sure. You can keep your cat’s immune system healthy and strong by following these steps:
2. Keep your cat away from places where there are many mosquitoes, especially in the summer.
We know our feline companions are always interested in what is happening outside. But sometimes, it is worrying about letting them out. There are many mosquitoes outdoors, especially during summer.
You can keep your Siamese cat safe by doing a few simple things. First, keep them out of places where there are many mosquitoes. These include places like ponds and lakes where the water stays still. Also, don’t let your Siamese cat play in areas with tall grass.
Second, use a mosquito repellent designed for cats. The ingredients in these products are natural and safe for your pet. They can also help keep other bugs away. You can help your Siamese cat stay healthy by doing these things. How pleasant it is for your Siamese cat to be mosquito-free all summer long!
3. Keep your Siamese cat indoors.
We know that our feline friends like to explore here and there. They are curious by nature and love to move around. But if you don’t want your Siamese cat to get heartworms, you should keep your furry companion inside.
Heartworm disease starts with the bite of an infected mosquito flying around outdoors. One of the most effective ways to protect your Siamese cat from becoming infected is to keep it indoors.
Inside your house is the best and safe place for your Siamese cat. Cats who always go outside are at a higher risk of heartworm disease.
Also, indoor cats are less likely to contract other parasites and diseases. So it would be a win-win for you and your furry friend.
4. Give your Siamese cat some new toys or extra ones to play with inside.
Make sure your active cat has a lot of time to move around your home! Encourage play and activities. Giving your cat lots of interactive toys and places to scratch is an excellent way to do this. Siamese cats enjoy fun activities too.
Since I can not let Batman and Robyn play outside often, I give them new or extra toys to play with daily. These help keep them occupied. They’re also busy playing with toys when I’m busy with work stuff. This way, they are less interested in trying to escape and go outside.
5. Feed your Siamese cat a well-balanced diet to nourish him.
Like us, our cats need different kinds of foods to stay healthy. Feeding our Siamese cats a healthy, well-balanced diet is one of the best things we can do for them. They are prone to health problems if they don’t get the proper nutrients.
For instance, a Siamese cat’s heart needs taurine-rich foods to stay healthy. Cats also need a lot of protein to have solid muscles and a healthy coat.
A Siamese cat’s diet should include protein, fat, carbs, vitamins, and minerals. You can find all these nutrients in a wide range of foods, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. And don’t forget, clean water is life too for our feline friends!
6. Have your cat checked for heartworm disease.
Getting your Siamese cat checked by a vet is one of the best ways to keep them from getting heartworm disease. Heartworm disease is one of the worst things for a cat. But many cat owners do not think about it.
Checking your Siamese cat for heartworm disease is so important. Your vet can give your cat a heartworm test to see if he or she has the disease. You can also be sure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date if you take your Siamese cat to the vet on schedule.
7. Ask your vet about a heartworm prevention plan for your Siamese cat.
There are many heartworm preventives out there. First, find out which preventives are suitable and best for your Siamese cat. Your vet will tell you what heartworm prevention medicine your cat needs every month. Preventives will help kill any worms your Siamese cat comes in contact with.
Second, do not over-vaccinate or over-medicate your Siamese cat. Follow your vet’s instructions and give your cat this medicine at the right time. Also, talk to your vet about what else you can do to keep your cat from getting heartworms.
For cat owners, preventative care is always top of mind. I followed all these necessary steps. I am hoping to keep Batman and Robyn away from heartworm disease. I feed them a well-balanced diet. I make sure they get their monthly dose of heartworm prevention medications.
I also keep them inside of my home. This keeps them away from stray animals and most mosquitoes. Hopefully my efforts will pay off and they will never get heartworms.
As you can see, heartworm infection can happen to any cat. It happens more often to cats who live outside or spend a lot of time outdoors. Heartworm disease is a serious problem for Siamese cats and can be fatal. Heartworm disease can hurt your pet’s lungs, liver, and other organs if it is not treated.
The best way to keep your cat from getting heartworm disease is to give it a good preventative. Be sure the prevention plan you will follow is what your vet recommends. Keep your Siamese cat indoors as much as possible.
And try to spend as much time as you can indoors with your furry pal. It’s going to make your cat feel safe and happy, and I guarantee you that!
Thanks for reading!
We gathered all the health tips tailored towards maintaining your Siamese cat’s optimal well-being. Check it out here: Siamese Cat Health: A Complete Guide
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