Oh, there are so many cat myths. There is, without a doubt, a series of misinformation about indoor cats. If cats could talk, I’m sure they’d have a laundry list of misconceptions about cat ownership that they’d like us to debunk.
For example, just because your Siamese cat lives indoors does not mean he or she doesn’t need protection from parasites and critters who pose a danger to your cat.
Parasites can still make their way into your house through your doors and windows, and they can come into your home on your shoes and socks and take a ride on your cat’s paws. This is one of the reasons we don’t allow shoes in our home.
We have gathered a list of the top nine myths and other disinformation forms concerning Siamese indoor cats and their environments.
The list includes “litter boxes only contain litter,” “indoor cats never get exposed to the outside,” or “your cat can play with your shoes safely all day.” Plus a great deal more!
Time to debunk these most common myths and misinformation about Siamese indoor cats! Let’s get started, shall we?
Lie#1: The balcony doesn’t count as outside.
Yes, it does! This is a myth that needs to be debunked. Your balcony is actually a part of the outside. If you let your Siamese cat spend more time on the balcony, it increases the likelihood your cat may get parasites or worms.
Your Siamese cat is at a greater risk of contracting fleas, ticks, mites, and worms if he or she spends more extended time on your balcony.
Your garage is also counted as part of the outdoors. So are your windows when they are open even if they are screened in. These spaces are more prone to be infested by parasites, rodents, and pests.
Yet, this in no way implies that your feline companion is not free to enter and visit any section of your balcony.
Provided, of course, that you won’t mind spending some time out on the balcony with your feline friend. If you keep a careful eye on him or her, your Siamese cat can enjoy spending a short time on the patio.
Since it might be risky for your feline friend, your cat must never be left unattended on a balcony.
Once your Siamese cat goes to the balcony alone, you no longer have control over what your cat may come into contact with or what your cat will eat.
When you take your Siamese cat outside for fresh air and exercise, you should be mindful of a few safety considerations and exercise caution.
While it is healthy for your Siamese cat to spend time in the fresh air and sunshine of the great outdoors, it is not in your cat’s best interest to let them stay on the balcony for an extended time.
If you don’t like to sit out on the balcony with your cat, you can buy or build a catio.
A catio is a great way to keep your cat contained and safe. Keep in mind that this is not a protection against parasites, worms, fleas and ticks.
Lie #2: Grooming is awesome and fun. NOT!
I get so tired of chasing down Robyn to brush her. On the other hand, Batman likes to play with the brush while I brush him.
I thought for many years that since cats constantly groom themselves, we don’t need to brush their coats.
I found this fantastic brush on Amazon that I can actually handle while these Siamese cats keep trying to smack it out of my hand. This brush also really takes the cat hair off our furniture! I could not believe it.
I can’t tell you how many Dollar Tree lint removal rollers I buy to get all the cat hair off my white furniture.
Why do we need to groom our Siamese cats?

Keep your Siamese cats healthy and sleek by brushing them weekly.
I found out that brushing your Siamese cat dislodges dead hair follicles, allowing new growth.
You want to get rid of the hair that is shedding. You also want to remove the dead skin. This is done by grooming.
Yes, your Siamese cat who is self-grooming is getting rid of some dirt, dead skin cells, and fleas; however, he cannot lick off his shedded hair
As you brush your Siamese cat and remove the dead skin cells, you are helping to release the natural oils in your cat’s body. These natural oils help to keep your cat’s coat nice and shiny.
After you brush your Siamese cat, you’ll see that the bristles catch all of the loose hairs and keep them from flying away.. This makes it much easier to clean up.
Lie #3: Only mice come through the door
Certainly not just mice. In addition to mice, fleas, ticks, and mites can also find their way into your house. Once inside, these pests rarely leave. A little issue can quickly become a major one because of the fast reproduction of these pests..
Fleas, ticks, and mites can get into your house on shoes, weeds, and other pets’ paws. Your Siamese cat could have a lot of trouble with these tiny bugs.
Check the outside of your house carefully to find places where these pests might be able to get in. When you come in the house, leave your shoes outside as well.
Search for any tears or rips in the screens that cover your windows. Then check all your doors to make sure they all close well. Also, check shopping bags, boxes, and other items that you bring into the house.
This way, you will help keep unwanted pests out of your home and protect your Siamese cat.
Lie #4: Your cat carrier keeps parasites out
That’s not really the case. When a Siamese cat is in a carrier, it is considered to be “out and about,” which puts your cat at risk of getting fleas, ticks, worms, and mites. These parasites can get into your cat carrier in a lot of different ways.
Fleas can get into your cat’s carrier if you set it down on the ground outside, even if you do it quickly when you open the door to your car. When you also take your Siamese cat to the vet, fleas and flea eggs from other pets can get into the carrier.
How to clean a cat carrier?
My favorite cat carrier is this one I bought on Amazon.
Lie #5: Indoor cats never get exposed to the outside
This is a common misunderstanding. There is no such thing as an utterly pest-proof home. Pathogens can get in on shoes or other pets, through windows or cracks and gaps in the floor or walls, or even through holes in the ceiling.
Indoor cats have the same risk of contracting fleas, ticks, other parasites, and rodents. A house is not an airtight environment since people come and go, and the doors and windows are constantly open and closed.
Even having window screens installed is not an entire proof method. Despite all our efforts, fleas may still find their way into the house and, consequently, onto your Siamese cats.
Lie #6: Litter boxes only contain litter

There is more than just litter in litter boxes. Harmful bacteria can live in your cat’s poop in the litter box. Your Siamese cat is at risk of contracting hookworms if it uses a litter box that has contaminated feces.
You may also notice little bits of tapeworm breaking off and becoming stuck to the perianal region or the stools in the litter box.
Make sure that the litter box is consistently clean. Clean and disinfect the litter box daily, and scrub it regularly.
Your Siamese cat has a much better chance of avoiding parasites and other yucky stuff if you keep your litter box clean.
Lie #7: Only dogs get heartworm
That’s certainly not the case. Not only dogs but also cats run the danger of suffering severe health consequences from heartworms.
A single mosquito bite is all it takes to infect a Siamese cat with heartworm.
What’s the worst of it?
Heartworm infections are notoriously challenging to treat and can even be fatal. If a mosquito bites a Siamese cat, the cat runs the danger of contracting a heartworm infection, which can be deadly.
What are the first signs of heartworms in cats?
Felines with heartworms start to experience severe weight loss. Heartworm infections can produce symptoms such as rapid breathing and frequent vomiting.
Another common clinical sign is coughing and gagging. Your Siamese cat may also suffer from diarrhea if he or she gets heartworms.
Lie #8: Some dirt won’t hurt your Siamese cat
The reality is dirt can hurt your Siamese cat. Dirt is often the most frequent mode of transmission for most feline illnesses.
Outside dirt is a haven for flying and crawling organisms. When your Siamese cat grooms itself in the garden or potted plant soil, it runs the risk of ingesting worm eggs that may be present in the dirt.
For example, when your cat urinates, it scrapes the mud over the waste, picks up some dirt on its paws, cleans its paws with its mouth, and eats some germs and parasites.
Can I use dirt as cat litter?
Yes, you can use dirt or soil as cat litter.
Even though you can, does not mean you should. I don’t recommend any cat owner to use dirt in a litter box.
First of all. it will stink a lot faster than litter made for cat litter boxes.
Secondly, dirt carries all kinds of bugs, bug eggs, parasites and worms. It can even contain flea eggs.
Click here to read about the tests we ran on which litter Batman and Robyn liked the best!
Lie #9: Your cat can play with your shoes safely.
Batman and Robyn both love to smell our shoes! We take our shoes off in our house and they are at the front door. As soon as we take them off, Batman and Robyn are right there smelling all the places we have been!
Cats love to smell odors, especially stinky socks and shoes.
We think it is cute and funny but guess what.. it is not healthy to let our cats play in our shoes.
A study conducted in 2008 at the University of Arizona noted that a typical pair of shoes could carry up to 421,000 bacteria.
Coliforms were discovered on the outside of nearly all of the shoes. E. coli was also found on the bottoms of a couple of boots. Gross! Another reason why we always take off our shoes when we come in from the outside.
The best thing to do with your shoes is to place them in your coat closet as soon as you get home.
Preventing your Siamese cat from accessing your shoes is far easier than attempting to stop your cat over and over again from playing with your shoes.
There is no room for negotiation for me when it comes to wearing shoes inside our home. I do not allow it.
The prime reason for my decision is that I don’t want Batman and Robyn exposed to germs and allergens on the bottom of our shoes.
If the shoes you wear are dirty or coated in mud, there is a chance that you could be bringing worm eggs and other bacteria into your home.
Your shoes can potentially transport the microbes across long distances, even into your home or personal spaces. When you reach home, take your shoes off and put them away.
These are some of the most common indoor cat myths. Some of these misconceptions may have made you laugh. How many of these do you still believe?
You will surely give better care to your feline companion if you arm yourself with the facts and dispel common myths and misconceptions about indoor cats. It’s fun to spend time learning more about your Siamese cat, right? Happy cat-study time!
Be the Siamese Cat expert you always wish to be! From color points to similar cat breeds, discover everything you need to know about their unique charm and characteristics in our comprehensive guide: Siamese Cat Breed: Types, Color Points and Comparison to Other Cat Breeds