Blog, Siamese Behavior

7 Effective Ways to Get a Siamese Cat to Stop Meowing

By Katerina Gasset

If there’s one thing Siamese cats know how to do well – it’s meow. While your typical moggie will only meow when they need something, a Siamese will ensure their voice is heard all hours of the day. 

Despite meowing about their basic needs such as food and water, a Siamese will talk to you about absolutely everything. Since they can’t express their feelings through words, a meow (or two) is just their way of communicating with you.

To stop a Siamese cat from meowing, ensure that their needs are met. These needs include food, water, love, and attention.

While this can be incredibly endearing at times, there’s no denying that hearing them screaming day and night can be somewhat irritating. So, you’ll be happy to know there are a few ways you can reduce their noisy nature! 

Read along as we discuss everything there is to know about a Siamese’s cry, as well as 7 ways to get a Siamese cat to stop meowing.

What are the different sounds Siamese cats make?

Before we go any further, it’s important to figure out what classes as a good cry and a bad cry. Since Siamese kitties make a whole range of noises, it can be difficult to translate them. 

Siamese cats have earned the nickname “meezer” due to their unique, child-like sounds. Some owners even attest to their fur babies sounding like a screaming human or a chirping bird.

Don’t be surprised if your Siamese talks to you either. Unlike their usual purr or meow, they produce a distinctive sound that most felines are unable to make

So, just because your Siamese is screaming, doesn’t mean they’re in pain or need urgent attention. A good indicator is to see when and where your Siamese meows. 

Do Siamese cats sound different to other cats?

They sure do! It’s no secret that Siamese kitties have very unique DNA. Not only are they virtually temperature-controlled albinos, but they also have a unique anatomy that makes their meows sound different than most moggies. 

Here are a couple of reasons why your Siamese makes those rather strange, but equally endearing noises:


As I mentioned briefly, the anatomy of your cat alters the way they sound. The size and shape of their vocal cords will determine what sounds they produce. 

Our faithful Siamese has a rather slim neck with small vocal cords. This is the reason why their sounds come out a lot more high-pitched than most moggies. 


Siamese cats are sociable creatures, there’s no way around it. They crave physical touch and attention most hours of the day – and will be incredibly upset when they don’t receive it. 

Due to their chatterbox nature, they’ll let you know whenever they need something. That could be attention, food, water… and don’t get me started on a bored Siamese. 

A bored Siamese will have no problems wandering around the house for hours, screaming to anyone who will listen. The same goes for one who is feeling a little lonely and requires some loving.

This is why this particular breed is considered a very high-maintenance cat. You’re not able to feed them and let them be, they’ll want to be with you all hours of the day and if not, they’ll complain till they’re blue in the face. 

This may be a huge shock to new owners, however, it can easily be controlled if you follow the tips we provided below. 

Learned behavior

Just like children, Siamese cats are very quick at putting two and two together to get what they want.

Due to their intelligent nature, they’re able to watch their humans and learn from them. They know that once they make a ‘distressing’ sound, you’ll come running to figure out what’s wrong. 

They know that a casual meow won’t cut it, so they’ve developed a loud chirp that will ensure they don’t go ignored.

Why do Siamese cats meow so much?

There are a handful of reasons why Siamese cats are so vocal, the main being their sociable personalities. They love to communicate with their favorite person – you!

However, if your Siamese is meowing more often than not, there may be an underlying issue. While they do like to chat, constant vocalization can actually be a cry for help.

Take a look at 3 reasons why your Siamese may be meowing:

  1. “I’m lonely!”

Siamese cats hate to be alone. It’s as straightforward as that. While it’s impossible to be with them all hours of the day, they also need a certain amount of attention to ensure they’re not feeling lonely. 

Once your Siamese begins to feel even slight neglect, they’ll be screaming until you give it to them. 

This can often be viewed as ‘needy’ or ‘bratty’ behavior, however, Siamese cats can actually develop depression when they’re not shown enough love. 

As soon as they feel this way, their chirpy meow will evolve into something a lot more unpleasant to hear. 

  1. “I’m really, really bored.”

A bored Siamese is a noisy Siamese. If they have nothing better to do, they’ll resort to wandering around the house, screaming at the top of their lungs. 

As much as we’d love to, we can’t be with our fur babies every minute of every day. So, we must find other ways to both mentally and physically stimulate them. If you fail to do so, you may find them resorting to destructive behaviors (say bye-bye to your couch!)

  1. “I need something.”

I’m going to bring this up once more since I believe it is a super important point. Siamese cats are very, very intelligent. They know that meowing will get your attention, so they’ll do it whenever they need something. 

For example, if you feed your Siamese on a schedule, they will usually begin meowing around dinner time. They do this to ensure you haven’t forgotten what time it is. 

On the other hand, if you feed your Siamese whenever they seem hungry, you may find them meowing more often than not. They know that noise = food.

Therefore, this meowing can be a learned behavior. Giving your Siamese what they want when they want just tells them “meow when you need something.”

Other reasons your Siamese may meow include:

  • They have underlying health issues and are in pain or feeling sick 
  • They’re in heat and searching for a mate
  • They’re adjusting to a new lifestyle 
  • They’re feeling stressed due to environmental changes, routine changes, and new family members

Pinpointing the issue

Whenever your Siamese is meowing a little too much, you must try to pinpoint the issue. Sometimes it can be rather obvious: they want to play more or they’re annoyed that breakfast is late. 

Other times, it can be a little harder to figure out. However, finding out why they are meowing is the first step to fixing it. 

For example, a few weeks ago, my Siamese Batman would not stop meowing. Just like any Siamese, he is noisier than most felines. However, this time I could not figure out why he was crying so much. 

He wasn’t hungry, he had a fresh bowl of water, his litter was changed often, and he was getting more than enough attention. 

It became so bad that I actually lost sleep over it. What was more frustrating was that I couldn’t help him since I didn’t know why he was so upset. 

After a few days and nights of constant meowing, I decided to set up a camera in the living room to see if I could pinpoint the reason.

It was then I noticed my other Siamese sleeping in Batman’s favorite spot. The reason he was screaming the house down was simply due to his sleeping arrangements. 

He had been losing sleep due to it and in turn, became stressed and anxious. I found that once I moved his bed, he was a lot happier and the incessant meowing suddenly stopped. 

So, once you know what is wrong, you know how to move forward. 

How can I stop my Siamese meowing?

Here are 7 ways you can reduce how much your Siamese meows: 

1. Routine feeding

One of the main reasons cats meow so much is because they are hungry, or rather, they think they are. If you free-feed your cats, chances are you will fill up their bowl when they start getting a little noisy.

Not only can this lead to obesity, but it can also cause excessive meowing. To counteract this, you should always follow a strict food routine.

Generally, adult cats are fine with one or two big meals a day, but they much prefer eating smaller meals more regularly. Those under 6 months of age should be fed at least 3 meals a day. 

Keep in mind, this rule only applies to food. Fresh water should be available to your feline at all times.

2. Always ignore the begging

As hard as it seems, you should always ignore begging. 

At first, this will only cause your Siamese to cry more. But after some time they’ll soon realize this isn’t an effective way to get your attention anymore.  

This again has a lot to do with reversing learned behaviors. So, if your Siamese meows before dinner time, simply leave the room and ignore them till they stop. Once they have settled down, only then should you feed them.

All cats love meowing for breakfast. Whether that be as soon as you wake up, or waking you up due to their loud meowing. To resolve this, you should wait 15 minutes before feeding them.

TIP: If you struggle to stick to a food schedule for whatever reason, it would be a good idea to switch to an automatic feeder. Not only will this take the attention away from you, but it will also help them get accustomed to particular meal times.

3. A specialised diet

If you find your Siamese meowing for food after you’ve followed the above tips, it could be that they’re not getting all the nutrients they need.

You should always contact your vet before making any sudden changes to your cat’s diet. They will also be able to advise you on the best ways to move forward. 

4. Ensure they’re getting enough love

Love it or hate it, Siamese are needy little creatures. Unlike their fellow felines, they have this constant need to be stimulated both physically and mentally. 

This can be rather off-putting for new owners, however, once you’ve cracked the code, it really is smooth sailing from there.

You need to be ready to provide your Siamese with enough attention and quality time. If you fail to do so, your Siamese can easily become withdrawn, depressed, and even aggressive. Once they start feeling this way, it can be hard to reverse the effects. 

The best way to create a strong bond with your Siamese is to spend time with them. If that sounds too good to be true, believe me, it’s not! Siamese cats may be high maintenance, but they’re very easy to please. 

If your Siamese is feeling neglected or left out, they will resort to loud vocalizations in an attempt to get your attention. This doesn’t mean you need to spend all hours of the day with them, just a little more attention wouldn’t go amiss. 

TIP: If your Siamese is still meowing despite being given enough attention, only give it to them when they’re quiet or minding their own business. This will let them know that they don’t need to be noisy to receive love.

5. Entertain them

Siamese cats adore playtime, and due to their high intelligence, they get bored very quickly. So, if your house isn’t looking like a kitty-play-paradise, you’re doing something wrong. 

If you have many toys at home but they’re still not cutting it, maybe you have the wrong kind. Siamese cats love toys that invoke a reaction – think wind-up toys, ones that wiggle and move, or toys that make noises. 

Cat puzzles are also a great way to keep your Siamese entertained for a few hours. Since you don’t have to be involved, they can happily sit alone and figure it out themselves. 

Always remember, a bored cat is a restless cat!

TIP: If your Siamese is meowing at night, chances are they are feeling lonely and/or bored. A great way to counteract this is playing with them before bedtime. 

Incorporate 30-40 minutes of high-activity play right before bedtime. You should also allow 10-15 minutes of cuddling to help them calm down. This will tucker them out and let them sleep through the majority of the night.

It is also a good idea to keep a food puzzle handy so they’re entertained while you’re sleeping.

6. Get them a buddy

Siamese cats thrive in pairs and appreciate all company, whether that is human or animal. It can be difficult to keep up with the demands of a Siamese, so if you are struggling, consider getting them a friend. 

Siamese cats do well with both dogs and other cats. However, you must pair them with a breed that can match their personality type and temperament. 

For example, bringing a senior cat home or one that enjoys being alone will be no use to a playful Siamese.

It can also be a huge task and takes a lot of time to introduce new animals to each other. This should always be done slowly and under the correct circumstances.

Siamese cats are also known for being very territorial, especially when it comes to their humans. So, if you feel like your Siamese will only be stressed by the new lodger, maybe it isn’t a good idea. 

However, once that bond has been made, they have a friend for life and will rarely feel lonely again. 

7. Let them sleep with you

Another reason your Siamese may be meowing at night is due to feeling lonely. If you prefer to sleep alone, the separation can be unbearable for them. 

Granted, not everyone wants to share their bed with their kitty. However, I highly recommend at least letting them sleep in the same room as you. 

If you can’t do this either, position their bed in an area such as a high shelf where they can still see into the room. Cats love sleeping in high areas or places where they can hide.

You can also let them nap with a piece of your clothing so they feel comforted by your scent. 

Is my Siamese unhappy?

Siamese kitties love to vocalize their opinions, whether you want to hear them or not. In the feline world, crying or meowing can often be linked to unhappy cats. However, for Siamese, this is just a part of their nature. 

As long as their cries don’t come from a place of discontent, they’re just meowing because they love you! As long as you provide your Siamese with their basic needs as well as enough love and attention, there isn’t a reason for them to be unhappy.

Always remember, learned behavior can easily be undone, you just have to have patience!

Want to learn more about your Siamese cat’s behavior? We have compiled every information you need to navigate through the fascinating world of Siamese cats: Everything About a Siamese Cat’s Behavior: A Comprehensive Guide

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