Siamese cat owners know how challenging it can be to search for a lost cat. Cats are known for their ability to disappear at will. This is especially true for Siamese cats, which have a reputation for being sneaky.
I remember the day my Robyn went missing as if it were yesterday. I had let her out into the backyard to explore, and when I checked on her an hour later, I couldn’t find her nearby. I searched high and low for her, but there was no sign of her anywhere. I had gotten her as a kitten, and she was my faithful companion. I loved her dearly, and the thought of losing her was too much to bear.
Thankfully, after a few days of searching, I found Robyn hiding in a bush in the neighbor’s yard. She was a little shaken up but otherwise unharmed. I was so relieved to have her back, and I vowed never to let her out of my sight again.
The first thing you should do in times like this is not to panic. There are a lot of effective tips that you can follow to find your lost cat. You can canvass your neighborhood or search online databases. You can even reach out to local animal shelters and veterinary clinics.
In this blog, I will discuss 25 of these tips that you can use to find your lost cat.
How Do You Find a Lost Siamese Cat?
1. Start looking early
It’s essential to start your search as soon as possible. The sooner you get started, the less time your cat has to wander and chances of finding him are better.
2. Start with the basics
Check all the rooms in your house. Look in all the usual places, such as under the furniture or closets. Search the upper and lower floors if you have a multi-level house.
Siamese cats are often attracted to warm places, so check the heating vents behind the refrigerator and anywhere else warm. Keep an eye out on shelves and cabinets since they tend to like these elevated surfaces.
Try using a flashlight to search dark areas where he might be hiding.
3. Try calling his name and shaking a can of treats. Sometimes this will bring them out of hiding.
I always do this when my cat’s out of sight. I only have to call Batman’s name, and he will come running toward me. He must have been hungry because he would go straight for the treats.
4. If you have a security system, check the footage to see if it captured your cat leaving or coming back in. You may be able to spot something that you missed.
5. Put out food and toys
Leave out some of your cat’s favorite food and toys in your yard in case they come back looking for them. They may be hesitant to come out if they don’t see anything familiar.
6. Check outside
See if the cat is in the backyard or front porch. Look in areas of thick vegetation or under decks and perches where your cat could take cover and hide.
Go for walks around your neighborhood, calling out your cat’s name as you go. They may be hiding somewhere and come out when they hear you.
I was out of town for the weekend, and my husband was home alone with our Siamese cat, Batman. On Saturday night, Batman slipped out the front door and got lost. My husband searched for him all night, but he couldn’t find him. He was about to give up when he heard meowing from a bush in our front yard. Batman was cold and scared, but he was safe.
7. Leave out scents
Cats have a very strong sense of smell, so placing a familiar scent in their usual spots can help lure them back. Place a piece of his bedding or your clothing in an area where you think they’re likely to cross paths. You can also try using a commercial cat attractant, which you can find at most pet stores.
Certain smells seem to be irresistible to cats. These include the scents of specific essential oils, such as lavender and catnip. There are others, such as silver vine and valerian root.
My cat loves the smell of lavender, so I always keep a sachet of lavender around. I set it outside when he gets out, so he can follow the scent back home.
Other smells that may attract cats include the scent of their favorite foods, such as tuna or salmon. Some cats also seem attracted to the scent of their litter box.
8. Ask your neighbors
You can knock on doors and let your neighbors know you lost your Siamese. The more people who are on the lookout, the better.
You can also put fliers near where people walk, such as on sidewalks and paths.
9. Ask delivery people, mail carriers, and others who often come to your neighborhood. They may have noticed something you haven’t.
10. Keep an eye out for any Siamese cats that look like yours when you’re out and about in your neighborhood. Even if you don’t think it’s them, it’s worth checking to be sure.
11. Create a lost cat poster

Put up posters in your neighborhood. Include a close-up, clear photo of your cat’s face, so people can see his features clearly.
There are key elements to an effective lost cat poster:
To make your lost cat poster stand out, you can include a reward, and a phone number people can call.
Your phone number(s) should be dark and legible, and you should put it at the bottom of the poster. It can also be helpful to put the phone number of a friend who agrees to be your contact.
Offering a reward is a great way to motivate people to help you find your lost cat. However, it’s best not to mention the reward amount to prevent anyone from trying to extort you for more money.
Don’t specify the cat’s gender when creating a lost cat poster. Some people don’t know much about cats. Thus, they may be unable to tell the difference between a female and a neutered male.
Check the posters you’ve put up if your cat has been gone for more than a few days. Replace them as needed in case they get damaged or wet.
12. Place the Poster in High-Traffic Areas
After you create your lost cat poster, the next step is to place it in high-traffic areas. Consider placing your lost cat poster in grocery stores, bus stops, and laundromats. The more public places you put your poster, the better your chances of finding your cat.
Make sure to put up posters in strategic locations around your neighborhood and as far as you can reach. You can also post them in places like:
13. Enlist your family and friends to help post flyers.
You can ask them to post the flyers in their workplace or anywhere else they think might be helpful. Ask your loved ones to keep an eye out for your cat and to call you if they spot him.
I’m so grateful to have such supportive loved ones who were willing to help me in my time of need. Thanks to their efforts, I was able to find my cat when I lost her one time.
14. Contact the authorities
You can call the police as soon as possible. The police will take your report and may be able to help you find your cat. You can also check with local animal shelters and rescue groups. You can see if anyone has turned in a lost Siamese cat that matches your description.
15. You can get in touch with breeders in your area.
They may give you some advice or be able to put you in touch with other Siamese cat owners who can help you search.
16. You can search online lost and found pet databases.
These databases are a good way to reach a larger audience and may help you find your cat.
These databases are a great resource for finding lost pets. They bring together listings from various resources, including shelters, vets, and private individuals.
To find a lost Siamese cat:
17. Use social media to help spread the word
Post a photo of your cat on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Include when and where they were last seen and if there are any distinctive markings. You can also try searching hashtags that are relevant to your area.
You can also set up a Facebook page dedicated to finding him. This will allow you to reach out to a broader network of people. This will increase the chances of someone spotting your cat. You can also post regular updates about your search on the page and ask people to share it with their friends.
My friend had the misfortune of losing her beloved Siamese cat a few months ago. I suggested trying looking for her cat on social media, and she reluctantly decided to give it a try. She posted on a local Facebook group asking if anyone had seen her cat. Within an hour, she got a response from someone who had found her! She was so relieved and grateful to have found her safe and sound. She couldn’t have done it without the help of social media.
18. Place a lost-and-found advertisement in your local newspaper or your city’s website.
19. Reach out to local radio and television stations. Ask them if they offer advertising or public announcements. The more people you reach, the better your chances of finding your cat.
20. If you’re willing and able to pay, It might be worth hiring a local pet detective to help you find your lost cat.
21. Look at night
You’ll have the best luck when it’s dark and quiet. Cats are nocturnal creatures, so they’re more likely to be up and about when the sun goes down. This is when they’re most likely to be out looking for food.
Plus, without all the noise and activity of the daytime, it’ll be easier for you to hear your cat if it’s meowing. Make sure to bring a flashlight and treats to lure your cat out of hiding.
Don’t chase your cat if you see it – it might run away. Instead, call its name softly and see if it comes to you.
Note: If you’ve lost your cat, it’s understandable that you’ll want to do whatever it takes to find them. However, it’s best to take somebody with you to help look for your cat if it’s nighttime.
Many potential dangers can come from being alone at night, and you don’t want to put yourself at risk. Plus, having another person with you will help increase the chances of finding your cat.
22. Set up a baby monitor
Place the monitor in an area your cat is likely to frequent, such as near a window or door, and leave it on overnight. This can be helpful if you live in a multi-story home and lose your cat on a different floor. Keep the volume on the monitor turned up so you don’t miss her calls.
You can also try putting some of your cat’s favorite food or toys near the monitor to attract them.
In the morning, check the recording to see if your cat made any noise during the night. If she did, you should be able to hear her and track her down.
23. Check with local vets
Veterinary clinics are often the first place people would go to bring lost pets. Thus, there’s a good chance they may have your cat. You can also ask the staff if they have seen any Siamese cats matching your description.
24. Set a humane trap
People used humane traps to capture animals without harming them. These can be very effective in finding lost cats. You can find them at your local pet store or online. You can expect to spend between $30 and $60 on a good quality trap. Ensure the trap is the right size for the animal you’re trying to capture.
Place the trap in an area where the cat is likely to be, and bait it with dry food, tuna, or other food. Check the trap regularly, as you don’t want to leave an animal in there for too long.
25. Keep up the search.
Continue your search for your lost pet. Do not give up hope too soon, as many cats turn up again after being gone for weeks, months, or even years. Even if your cat doesn’t come back, you can take comfort in knowing that you did everything possible to find him.
What Not to Do When Finding Your Lost Cat
Here are some things that you should not do when trying to find your lost cat:
Someone may claim to have found your lost cat and try to get you to pay a reward for its return. However, they will often ask you to pay for the reward in advance, and then they will disappear with your money.
To avoid falling victim to this scam, remember that you should never pay a reward for your lost cat upfront. You can offer a reward, but specify that you will only make the payment after they return the cat to you. This way, you can avoid scams by being careful with your hard-earned money.
How to Keep Your Cat From Going Missing Again

If you’re like most cat parents, the thought of your feline friend going missing is a nightmare. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help keep your cat safe and prevent them from running off again.
1. Provide plenty of toys and activities to keep your cat stimulated.
Mental and physical stimulation can help prevent them from getting bored and restless.
Try setting up a cat tree with plenty of perches and toys, or getting them a set of climbing shelves. You can also give them interactive toys. These may include balls, feather toys, and catnip toys they can chase around.
2. You may also want to consider getting another cat for them to play with. This way, they’ll have someone to keep them company, and they won’t be as likely to wander off.
Think about what sort of personality would be a good match. A high-energy cat who loves to play could be a good choice since it’ll keep up with your Siamese cat’s active lifestyle.
3. Give your cat plenty of attention, so he doesn’t feel the need to run away.
Siamese cats can be very vocal. They might run away if they feel like they are not receiving enough attention from you.
Make sure to spend quality time with your cat every day, even if it means petting him and talking to him. This will let him know that he is loved and wanted and will make him less likely to run away.
4. You can give them plenty of space to roam and explore.
Siamese cats need to have room to satisfy their curiosity. An excellent way to provide them with this is to create a safe outdoor space to explore. You can do this by fencing in your yard or creating a catio.
5. You can get a tattoo on the inner thigh or inside the cat’s ear.
Most people choose the inside of the ear because it’s more visible. However, this is not an option for show cats, as many cat registries forbid them to have tattoos on their ears.
Tattoos on cats’ skin are a dependable way to identify them. However, the tattoo may become less visible over time, and you might need to get it repainted. Your cat’s veterinarian, breeder, or groomer are all capable of tattooing your cat.
6. Make sure they have a microchip and always have a collar with ID tags.
A microchip is a tiny computer chip that is the size of a grain of rice and is injected between the cat’s shoulder blades. It has a registered number on it.
Like a tattoo, you must register your cat’s microchip with a national registry.
It’s a good idea to keep some form of identification for your cat. That way, if he gets lost, whoever finds him will know he has a home and will be more likely to return him to you.
Having a cell phone number as your primary contact number is better than using your home number. It ensures that you can always be reached no matter where you are.
You can also put a bell on his collar to hear if he’s close by.
Note: Get a collar with quick-release fasteners if you’re worried about your cat outside. This helps them avoid getting caught on branches or undergrowth.
Collars with elastic inserts can be dangerous. These collars might stretch and get stuck around the cat’s head, or the cat could put a leg through them.
7. If they must go outside, keep them on a leash or in a carrier.
Of course, you’ll need to ensure that the leash or carrier is comfortable and secure, so your cat doesn’t escape.
8. Consider getting a GPS tracker for your cat.
You can attach GPS tracking devices to your cat’s collar. You can always know where they are and bring them home if they wander too far away. It may seem like a high-tech solution, but it can be a lifesaver for keeping tabs on your adventurous cat.
9. Take the time to train your cat.
By keeping them close and teaching them basic commands, they will know to stay close to home and not wander off.
My Siamese cat, Robyn, loves to wander. Every time she goes outside, I must keep a close eye on her, or she’ll take off and get lost. I decided to train her, so she would always return when I called her.
I started by teaching her to come to me when I called her. I would give her a treat every time she came to me, and soon she was running to me whenever I called her. Then I started taking her outside on a leash and letting her wander a bit.
10. Let your visitors know if you have indoor cats, so they can be sure to close doors securely. Indoor cats can be curious and may slip out if given the opportunity. You can help prevent any unwanted escapes by letting visitors know about them.
11. If you have people over, don’t rely on them to watch out for the cat. The cat may hide or run off, and they may not be able to find it. It’s best to keep the cat in a separate room or carrier.
The search for a lost Siamese cat can be a daunting task. It requires optimism and a willingness to accept that the search could take a long time. You will find your little one if you stay persistent.
It may take a few days for your Siamese cat to fully relax again once you bring him home. At least you won’t have to go through that wild search for a second time!
Want to know more about adopting Siamese cats? Here’s everything you need to know about welcoming this unique feline breed to your home: Siamese Cat Rescue and Adoption.
We gathered all the health tips tailored toward maintaining your Siamese cat’s optimal well-being. Check it out here: Siamese Cat Health: A Complete Guide